United Health Group ( UHG ) Optum Hyderabad Interview Questions

Unified Healthcare Group Overview

  • www.uhg.com.au
  • Prahran (Australia)
  • 201 to 500 employees
  • 1997
  • Public Company
  • IT Service
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

United Health Group / UnitedHealth Group / UHG / Optum Interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked United Health Group UHG interview questions and answers.

Post On:United Health Group / Unitedhealth Group / UHG / Optum
Post Type:Interview Questions
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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We have also tried to share some of the Testing Interview Questions With Answers. Still, we recommend spending quality time to get comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the United Health Group UHG interview.

Still, we need your love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So, it would be great if you shared your recent interview questions and experiences with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at softwaretestingo.com@gmail.com.

UHG Optum Interview Experience

Company Name: UHG (Optum)
Position: Automation Tester
No Of Rounds: 1
Updated on: 30.04.2024

  • Brief me about your experience
  • What tools and technologies have you worked on?
  • What’s your favourite programming language? And rate yourself
  • Find the longest substrings of these three strings: Example 1 – abcabcd, the output will be 4.
  • Have you created a dynamic Xpath? If yes, then give examples.
  • How to automate the elements which sometimes pass or fail?
  • How to send only lowercase text where data is derived from an external source, without using any Java functions or libraries.
  • What is the difference between keyword-driven vs data-driven vs behavior-driven frameworks?
  • What is Hashmap?
  • How to handle exceptions?
  • Why do you need Finally block?
  • Why do you use Array when Array List is available?
  • What are the different ways to execute parallel tests in Selenium?
  • How to execute different suites using Maven and TestNG?
  • Why are strings immutable?
  • What is a string constant pool?
  • Why do you need Throw and Throws keywords when we have to Try, catch and finally?
  • What are different locators? Why ID locator is preferred?
  • Explain the Smoke vs Sanity vs Regression differences.
  • What do you understand by git rebase?
  • Create a dynamic XPath which can find all headlines on Amazon.com
    Steps –
    1. Go to Amazon.com
    2. Search for Smart TV
    3 Create XPath to retrieve the name of all products and store them in the List

Company Name: UHG (Optum)
Position: Automation Tester
Company Location: Noida
Experience: 3 Years
Shared By: Venkata Kushal
No Of Rounds: 2
Updated on: 03.10.2022


My resume got shortlisted from the Naukri portal, and I received a call regarding the role and job description, and they scheduled the interview.

The interview process consisted of two rounds:

  • Online F2F technical round (1 HOUR)
  • Online F2F Managerial round (30 MIN)

For me, they wrapped up two rounds on the same day.


Online F2F technical round:


  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Explain previous project frameworks and domains you worked in.
  • Explain which type of selenium framework you worked in.
  • They gave me a Java program and asked me to provide the output.
  • He asked me to write a program where I have to use add(), get(), remove(), and size() methods on a dynamic array in the same program.
  • How many TestNG annotations are available, and when should we use them?
  • What is the significance of actions class in selenium?
  • Why hashcode is used in Java.
  • Asked me about the BDD framework, like why the BDD framework is used, what type of language you will use in the feature file of the BDD framework, and how you will establish a connection between the feature file and the step definition file.
  • They asked me to write a scenario in feature file format. The methods inside the feature file will represent the methods in step definitions and the types of keywords used in the feature file.
  • Differences between scenario and scenario outline keywords are in the feature file.
  • How can we use multiple data in the feature file?
  • Explain the Defect lifecycle.
  • They asked me how familiar I was with SQL. They were given two tables and asked to explain the output for different kinds of joins.
  • What is the difference between union and union All?
  • When will you use the where clause, having clause and difference between them?
  • SQL: Which comes first, having or where?
  • Asked output for query – Select eight from the table.
  • Asked about basic GIT commands.
  • Asked about Jenkins integration with Maven

Online F2F Managerial round:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why are you looking for a job change
  • Some scenario-based questions.

Tips: Update your profile in all the job portals regularly. Please know about your company and the profile you are applying to.

UHG Optum Interview Questions

Company Name: UHG (Optum)
Position: Sr. QE
Company Location: Noida
Experience: 4+ Years
Shared By: Rahul Arora
No Of Rounds: 3
Updated on: 03.10.2022

  • 1st round is a hacker rank test consisting of 2 programming questions in which you have to write code and pass the test cases and MCQ questions on Selenium and Java basics.
  • 2nd round – Core Technical round based on Java, Selenium, and API.
  • 3rd round – Manager Technical round
  • Last HR discussion


  • WAP to count the number of characters in a string
  • The interviewer will give some code and ask what the error in the code
  • The interviewer will ask for the output of some code.
  • WAP to count duplicate characters in a string
  • SQL queries – join, update
  • How to setup a pipeline using Jenkins
  • TestNG questions
  • How to handle multiple windows using selenium
  • Why do we use to try and catch block?
  • What are the different methods In API?
  • The difference between put and post
  • Why do we do API testing?
  • What are the different listeners in Jmeter for performance testing?
  • How do you resolve conflict if the developer disagrees and says it’s not a bug?
  • What do you do when you have little time to test and the build will be delivered to the client by EOD?
  • What challenges do you face in these four years in your career, and how do you resolve them?
  • What is agile? How it’s different from a waterfall
  • Have you faced any challenges in Agile?
  • How do you handle the pressure?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Company Location: Bangalore, India
Attended on: 14.11.2021

  • What are your roles and responsibilities?
  • What is STLC?
  • What are the primary key and unique keys?
  • What is referential integrity?
  • Tell me, Unix commands?
  • How can you find out the orphan records?
  • What are metric validations?
  • What are star schema and snowflake schema?
  • What is slowly changing dimensional tables?
  • What is a mean junk-dimensional table?
  • Data flow of your projects?
  • Find out the 3rd highest salary.
  • Tell me about your project.
  • Which validation are you performing between ODS and staging tables?
  • Are you using aggregate operations without group by clause?
  • Sel sum(sal) from emp group by Deptno where deptno=10
  • Having count(*)>1, what is the execution order?
  • How do you get the top five records in Unix?
  • How do you find duplicate records?
  • How do you delete duplicate records?
  • What is the difference between delete and truncate?
  • Write syntax for instr and substr?
  • How do you show which constraints you have used on a table in Oracle DB?
  • What is the difference between a filter and a router?
  • What is meant by active and passive transformations?

Company Location: Hyderabad, India
Attended on: 14.11.2021

  • Explain your project.
  • What is the difference between the star and snowflake schema?
  • What is meant by clustered index?
  • What is the difference between primary and unique keys?
  • What is meant by integration check?
  • Explain smoke and sanity tests.
  • Explain the subqueries.
  • What are the different types of transformations available in Informatica?
  • Explain the dim table with an example.
  • What is the difference between DWH and DW?
  • If two tables have the same columns, how do you get common columns without using joins?
  • In your project, how many dim and fact tables do you have?
  • How to find out 3rd highest salary?
20 20
30 50

O/p for a) inner join, b) left outer join, c) right outer join, and d) cross join.

Company Location: Hyderabad, India
Updated on: 26.06.2021

UnitedHealth Group UHG Optum Interview Question

  • What are ArrayList and link lists in collections, and what’s the difference?
  • Diff. b/w List, Queue, Set.
  • Why SET<> doesn’t allow duplicate values? Tell me it’s background implementation.
  • In a string “ABC DEF,” reverse each word without any inbuilt function.
  • Tell me your framework project structure.
  • Tell me the procedure for interacting with Excel files.
  • Types of Xpath.
  • Write an XPath using content following siblings.
  • How to perform parallel execution.
  • Few selenium exceptions.
  • Diff. b/w thread & wait.
  • Perform drag and drop between two frames.
  • Types of wait statements.
  • Reporting in selenium. [TestNG Report, Extent Report & Allure Report]
  • How to switch b/w Tabs.
  • How do you execute scripts, Ajax using Java?
  • Have you made webdriver static or not?
  • An example of an Abstract class & Interface class.
  • How can we create a method with a body in the Interface?
  • From which Java version can we create a static method with a body in Java?
  • Selenium version you are working on.

UnitedHealth Group UHG Optum Gurgaon Interview Questions

  • Write class having encapsulation
  • Static topic
  • Final topic
  • Armstrong Program
  • How do you delete only special characters from the string? write code
  • Write code for the n*n*n program and how you will input values.
  • Three inners for loops, and if for most inner loops, a break statement is executed. write code, and it should come out of all three loops
  • 5 Interfaces in selenium
  • Write code for re-execution logic in selenium.
  • Data table vs Scenario outline in BDD Framework
  • Write code for drag-and-drop selenium.
  • Write all git commands. How do you check out, check-in, merge, commit, create PR
  • Difference between abstraction and interface
  • Linked list structure
  • What is a linked hashmap
  • When ArrayList can be used and when linked list

About United Heath Group UHG Company

UnitedHealth Group is a distinctively diversified health and well-being company headquartered in the United States and a leader worldwide in helping people live healthier lives and helping make the health system work better for everyone.

We are committed to introducing innovative approaches, products, and services to improve personal health and promote healthier populations in local communities. Our core capabilities in clinical expertise, advanced technology and data, and health information uniquely enable us to meet the evolving needs of a changing healthcare environment.

Enabling various interactions at enormous scales and complexity, helping connect all participants in health care. Unique skills in collecting, managing, and analyzing data and the capability to translate data into actionable information.

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