What is System Testing?

Software System Testing: System testing means testing the complete application after it is fully integrated, verifying its behavior per the requirement document. This plays an important role in delivering a high-quality product because, in this testing, we try to evaluate whether the end-user requirements are met.

this testing is one type of black-box technique, and it is carried out to evaluate how the software works in the external environment with the help of a requirement document. It is based on the user’s point of view. This testing is carried out after integrating testing, where we verify both the functional and non-functional requirements. Performing system testing does not require code knowledge or code structure.

Why is System testing important?

  • In the SDLC process, during the system testing, the whole system.
  • The system testing environment is similar to the production environment, so stakeholders know about the product and can verify whether it meets their requirements.
  • it helps in troubleshooting and support calls after deployment
  • In this testing, the whole team evaluates whether it meets user requirements.

Software Testing Hierarchy

There are different levels of testing used in the testing process, and each level of testing has different aspects of the system. there are mainly 4 categories. Are there

  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • System Testing
  • Acceptance Testing

Unit Testing: In this process, testing is done during the development process while the developer develops the code. They are also performing unit testing. Unit testing aims to verify that each unit is working as expected.

Integration testing: It starts once you have completed the unit testing. Once each unit is verified and tested, the septate units are combined and tested as a single unit, and after that, testers verify whether the whole integration is working as expected. Most of the defects are found in this testing.

System testing: this is the first time we are testing the whole application from end to end of a fully integrated software product before its launch to deliver to the client.

Acceptance Testing: In this testing, for the first time, the client is testing the application with the requirement on which the client has agreed. This is one type of beta test where the actual and end-users use the application, and they validate the end-to-end business flow.

Entry Criteria

  • Unit Tests should be completed and verified.
  • The integration of all modules should be completed.
  • As per the specification document, software development should be completed.
  • The environment is available for testing.

Exit Criteria

  • All the test cases should be executed
  • No major, critical, or security-related bug in an open state.
  • The exit report should be submitted.

Different Types of System Testing

Here, we have listed some list of the system testing that software development companies typically use.

  • Usability testing: it mainly focuses on easy-to-use applications, flexibility while handling the controls, and the ability of the system to meet objectives.
  • Load testing: in this test, we try to know how the developed product works on real-life loads and the environment.
  • Regression testing: It helps us verify that no new issues occur during development.
  • Recovery Testing: It helps us demonstrate that the software solution is reliable, trustworthy, and can be successfully recovered from possible crashes.


If the system testing is not done, there may be a chance of facing some critical issues in the live environment. So thorough system testing is always preferable.

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