Test Case For Email Id Field

Email Test Cases: This post will discuss the email test cases for the Email field. The most important part of web testing and development is validating the email ID field. If your website provides a mail-sharing facility or something regarding email ID, you can inject it through email and harm your database. To reduce that risk, email validation should be there.

The email field is the part where we write a message to someone. It usually has the name of the sender and receiver and the subject’s name. We can also write any other message or image into this field.

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Email fields are generally located at the end of the email, and some people like to put messages in there because it saves space on their computer screen or because they want to keep their inbox tidy.

What Is Email Field?

The email field is the area on a webpage where you can insert an email address or field. This may include forms for collecting information about a person or areas for adding comments. Here’s how you can add email fields to your websites.

Test Case For Email ID Field

Email field validation is one of the most critical tasks in any email-sending application. Test Email Validity ensures that each email a user sends has an associated correct address, name, and other required information. This article discusses how email validation test cases can be tested using accurate data and simple examples.

Test Case For Email Id Field 1

Email Test Cases – UI

  • Check the webpage has the email field.
  • Check whether the label text of the email field is shown or not.
  • Check the label text is aligned with the email field.
  • Check whether the placeholder text is added or not.

Functional Email Validation Test Cases

  • Check if the email field is accessible by clicking on the email field.
  • Check if the user can type the email in the email field.
  • Check whether the user can paste the email ID address by the keyboard (CTRL+V) and Mouse (Right Click – Paste)
  • Check whether the email validations are applied to the email field or not.
  • Check if the error messages display when the user enters an invalid email address.

Positive Test Cases For Email Field

  • Check the email field by entering a valid email address. (admin@softwaretestingo.com)
  • Check if the email address contains a @ or not.
  • Check if the email field accepts + sign in the email address. E.g., softwaretestingo+1@gmail.com
  • Check if the email address contains a domain name or not. (admin@softwaretestingo – Here, softwaretestingo.com is the domain name)
  • Check whether the email address has the dot (.) or not.
  • Check an email address. It should be considered correct if an email contains a subdomain.
  • Check that an email address has a maximum of 2 dots in the case of the subdomain.
  • Verify if the email address contains special characters; that will be considered valid.
  • Check if the email address contains a number that will be considered valid.
  • Check if the email address contains the IP address.
  • Check the email address contains square brackets, quotes ” “, dash – or underscore _.

Negative Email ID Test Cases

  • Check the email ID field without the @ sign and the domain name.
  • Check the email ID field without a username.
  • Check the email address field. With encoded HTML within the email, it is invalid.
  • Check the email ID field with two @ signs.
  • Check the email field with leading and tailing dots.
  • Check the email ID filed With Unicode char as the address.
  • Check the email id text box With the Missing top-level domain (.com/.net/.org/etc.)

Email Validation Test Cases

  • Check with all possible scenarios For email in the address field, as it should support alphabet, number, underscore, and Dash. Dot, plus sign, quote, etc., for valid email format.
  • The Email field should follow the basic regex format, which is xxxx@xx.xx.
  • The error message should be displayed for an invalid and already registered email address.

Valid Email ID Examples

Valid Email addressReason
email@domain.comValid email
firstname.lastname@domain.comThe email contains a dot in the address field
email@subdomain.domain.comThe email contains a dot with a subdomain
firstname+lastname@domain.comPlus sign is considered a valid character
email@ domain is a valid IP address
email@[]A square bracket around the IP address is considered valid
“email”@domain.comQuotes around email are considered valid
1234567890@domain.comDigits in the address are valid
email@domain-one.comDash in the domain name is valid
_______@domain.comUnderscore in the address field is valid
email@domain.name.name is a valid Top Level Domain name
email@domain.co.jpDot in Top Level Domain name also considered valid (use co.jp as an example here)
firstname-lastname@domain.comDash in the address field is valid

Invalid Test Cases Of Email ID

Invalid Email addressReason
plain addressMissing @ sign and domain
@domain.comMissing username
Joe Smith <email@domain.com>Encoded HTML within an email is invalid
email.domain.comMissing @
email@domain@domain.comTwo @ sign
.email@domain.comThe leading dot in the address is not allowed
email.@domain.comTrailing dot in address is not allowed
email..email@domain.comMultiple dots
あいうえお@domain.comUnicode char as address
email@domain.com (Joe Smith)Text followed email is not allowed
email@domainMissing top-level domain (.com/.net/.org/etc.)
email@-domain.comThe leading dash in front of the domain is invalid
email@domain.web.web is not a valid top-level domain
email@111.222.333.44444Invalid IP format
email@domain..comMultiple dots in the domain portion is invalid


The test scenarios for email ID text field is the part of the email where we write a message to someone. It usually has the name of the sender and receiver and the subject’s name. We can test email address fields differently, like sending emails through Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, or any other email client.

The email field is the part where we write a message to someone. Email Address Testing has the name of the sender and receiver and the subject’s name. In this blog, we have provided some test cases for your reference. If you think about more test scenarios, then you can share those test scenarios in the comment section.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to softwaretestingo.com@gmail.com, or You can join me on Linkedin.

1 thought on “Test Case For Email Id Field”

  1. Email address starting (leading point) with special characters so that also consider as not valid format
    Note:- gmail is also not allowed this format
    Example:- #ankit123@gmail.com


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