Test Cases For Links

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Test Cases For Links: In This post, we will write the test cases for the various types of Links like Weblink and Hyperlink. Two links can be available on the web page: internal and external. Here are some test scenarios to test links on the web page. Here are the important test cases for the links given.

Post On:Test Cases For Links
Post Type:Test Case Template
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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  • Check if the link added to the page is clickable or not by clicking on the link.
  • Check whether the text is added to the link or not.
  • Check the internal links have redirected the user to the linked page.
  • Check whether all the external links open in a new window or tab with the proper URL.
  • Check whether the tooltip text is displaying or not for the links.
  • Check if the interlink is linked to the same page and then links jumping on the same pages.
  • Check whether the page redirects to the valid page when the user clicks on a hyperlink.
  • Check if the links are email address links opening the mail instance like Outlook.
  • Check the links are opening all browsers and different operating systems.
  • Check if the color of the visited link is changed or not.
  • Check the color of the links as per the SRS document.
  • Check on mouse hover whether the link to the mouse pointer is changed to a hand icon.
  • Check loading time for internal links as per requirement.
  • If a link is shared, then that link is getting shared properly with the correct address.
  • Check that the shared link is being opened properly.
  • Check that on mouse hover. A link is shown on the lower-left corner of the web page or not.
  • Check if the page has an invalid link. (it should redirect the user to the 404 error page).
  • Check that the link is added with the correct hypertext transfer protocol: HTTPS:// or HTTP://.
  • Check the whole image is clickable if the link is added to the image, and on the click, it redirects to the desired page.
  • Check that the image is not broken if the link has been added to the image.
  • Check the web page slides at the correct position if links are added on the same page.


In this blog post, we have discussed test cases for links, link test cases, test cases for hyperlinks, software testing links when testing the website’s hyperlinks, etc. If you have some missed test scenarios, you could inform us by commenting in the comment section.

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