Test Cases For Delete Button

Test Cases For Delete Functionality & Test Case For Delete Button: Here, we are developing another new post of Test cases. This post will share all the possible test case scenarios for the Delete button.

Post On:Test Case For Delete Button
Post Type:Test Case
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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You can check the test scenarios below if you want related test cases.

Test Cases For Delete Button

Test Cases For Delete Button 1
  • Check if the webpage has the delete button or not.
  • Check if the delete button has a trash icon per the SRS document.
  • Check whether the button is clickable or not.
  • Check on clicking on the delete button; the confirmation dialog box with a message is displaying.
  • The record or report should not be deleted if the user clicks No in the confirmation dialog box popup.
  • The delete functionality should work as the user clicks the YES button on the confirmation popup.
  • The record or report should be deleted from the database or storage as the user clicks the Yes button on the confirmation popup.
  • Check if the system allows the user to recover the deleted record by clicking Undo, which is shown as the user deletes the record.
  • Check on clicking over the undo button. The record or deleted file should be restored to the same position or location.
  • Check if the user deletes a file from the storage by pressing the delete button from the keyword.
  • Check if the user deletes the record successfully; it should not be shown again in the table.
  • Once the user deletes a report, the user should be redirected to the location mentioned in the requirement document.
  • Check if the user can delete multiple files at once or not.
  • Check if an alert message displays when the user tries to delete a record without selecting any file.
  • Check on pressing the delete button; only the selected file should be deleted and not affect any other record.


We hope this detailed blog post on test cases for deleting functionality and test cases for Deleting Buttons will help you understand how to write the test cases. Let us know if you still face any problems in the comment section.

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