Agile Interview Questions

Agile Interview Questions: Agile methodology has revolutionized software development, bringing a more flexible and collaborative approach to the process. As Agile gains popularity, organizations seek skilled professionals who can effectively work in an Agile environment. Whether you are a developer, a QA engineer, or a project manager, being familiar with Agile methodologies and principles is essential for securing a job in this field.

In this context, preparing for Agile interview questions can be crucial for demonstrating your knowledge and skills to the hiring managers. This article will discuss some commonly asked Agile interview questions that can help you prepare for your next job interview.

Agile Interview Questions

  • What is Agile testing?
  • What are the principles of Agile testing?
  • Describe the Agile testing life cycle.
  • Explain the role and responsibilities of Agile testers.
  • What are the characteristics of a good Agile tester?
  • What is agile methodology in software development? Write its types.
  • What is an Agile test plan?
  • When should we use Agile Scrum Methodology?
  • What is Sprint in Agile Methodology?
  • What is the story point in Agile?
  • Explain Velocity in Agile Methodology.
  • Explain Epic, User Stories, and Tasks.
  • Why is it important to conduct daily stand-up meetings?
  • Explain Continuous testing.
  • What does the term Taskboard mean in Agile?
  • What is Scrumban in Agile?
  • How do you handle continuous changes in requirements as an Agile Tester?
  • What sets Agile Testing apart from other traditional Software Testing Models?
  • What is Acceptance Testing in Agile?
  • Explain refactoring.
  • What are the benefits of refactoring?
  • What do you mean by Spike and Zero Sprint in Agile?
  • What is Exploratory Testing and Scripted Testing?
  • Explain Tracer Bullet.
  • What is a Test stub?
  • What is an Application Binary Interface?
  • Can you explain why Continuous Integration is important for Agile?
  • In what ways can QA benefit an agile team?
  • What are some impediments that a scrum master should remove?
  • How can keeping an iteration length consistent throughout benefit the project?
  • Explain build-breaker.
  • What is Agile testing?
  • What is Product backlog?
  • What is sprint backlog?
  • Grooming and Retrospection.
  • What is the role of the product owner and Scrum Master?
  • Agile testing mythologies.
  • What is an agile methodology?
  • What is the scrum, and who is your scrum master?
  • Ceremonies followed in Agile methodology?
  • Retrospective meeting?
  • Describe the Scrum ceremony.
  • When do you automate in the current sprint or the next sprint?
  • Explain velocity in the sprint.
  • In a tight sprint schedule, if a new requirement is added, how will you handle this situation?
  • What is a backlog in Scrum methodology?
  • You have 30 + sprints in your release how will you design your test scripts and run them?
  • What are the different types of Agile Methodology?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Agile Process?
  • Explain Agile Testing. What are the principles of Agile Testing?
  • What good qualities an Agile Tester should have?
  • What do you mean by refactoring?
  • What’s the difference between sprint backlog and product backlog?
  • What are Spike and Zero Sprint in Agile?
  • What’s the difference between Agile methodology and Traditional methodology of Software Development?
  • What do you mean by the term “velocity” in Agile?
  • What do you mean by Daily Stand-Up meeting?
  • What is Incremental and Iterative Development?
  • What is a Product Roadmap?
  • What are the different project management tools that are mostly used in Agile?
  • What is the difference between Agile and Scrum?
  • What do you mean by Pair Programming? Write its advantages.
  • What is the Agile Manifesto? What are its values and principles?
  • What are the Burn-up and Burn-down charts in Agile?
  • What are the different types of Burn-Down charts?
  • Name three main Agile frameworks for product development other than Scrum.
  • What is the “Planning Poker” technique?
  • What are Sprint Planning Meeting, Sprint Review Meeting, and Sprint Retrospective Meeting?
  • What do you mean by the term “increment”?
  • What are standard or common metrics for Agile? Explain.
  • What is Scrum? Write its advantages.
  • What are the different roles in Scrum?
  • What do you mean by Scrum Master? What are the responsibilities of a Scrum Master?
  • What are the main artifacts of the Scrum Framework?
  • Explain the terms User story, Epic, and Tasks in Scrum.
  • What are the most important tools used in a Scrum Project?
  • Explain TimeBoxing in Scrum.
  • Explain the term “impediments” in Scrum.
  • What is the main role of Sashimi in Scrum?
  • Explain the term “story point” in Scrum.
  • What do you mean by Scrum of Scrums (SoS)

Agile Methodology Interview Questions

Agile methodology has become a widely adopted approach for software development, particularly in today’s fast-paced and dynamic business environments. This iterative and incremental approach emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and adaptability to changing requirements and customer needs.

As organizations increasingly adopt Agile methodologies, professionals in this field must be familiar with Agile principles, practices, and tools. Below are some of the most frequently asked Agile interview questions and answers.

When your requirements are frequently changing, then as a tester, what should be your approach?

If, in your project, you are following agile methodologies, but the requirements are not precise and are changing frequently, then as a tester, you have to follow the below approach:

  • You have to write the test cases or test plans in such a way that you focus on the requirements, not the exact details.
  • You must work closely with the product owner or business analyst (BA) to understand the requirement or scope of change.

What is the meaning of epic, user stories, and end tasks?

If, in an organization, you are following agile methodologies, then these terms are the basic terms that you come across in your daily life.

  • Epic: A customer-described software feature itemized in the product backlog is an epic. Epics are subdivided into stories.
  • User Stories: As per the client’s requirement, the business analyst will follow the user stories, which will define the project or functional business requirements, and they should be delivered in a particular sprint as expected.
  • Task: the user stories are groomed, and then the developers and testers break down the user stories into different tasks.

What is refactoring?

Let’s assume that the development of an application is completed. However, we need to improve the performance of the existing code. To enhance the performance of the current code, we need to modify the code without changing the core functionality. This is called refactoring.

How can you calculate the velocity of the sprint with varying team capacity?

During sprint planning, the velocity of the sprint is usually measured based on the team’s performance on the completed sprints. Velocity is a metric calculated by adding all effort estimates related to user stories completed in an iteration. It figures out how much work Agile can complete in a sprint and how much time it will need to finish a project.

but there is a mathematical formula which is used to calculate the velocity of a sprint:

  • First – completed story points X team capacity: If you measure capacity as a percentage of 40 hours weeks
  • Second—completed story points/team capacity: If you measure capacity in manhours, the second method is applicable to our scenario.
What is the difference between product backlog and sprint backlog?
the critical difference between sprint backlog and product backlog is:
  • Product backlog: it contains all the features of the project, and the product owner owns it.
  • Sprint backlog: This is a part of the product backlog that is owned by the development team and committed to delivering within a sprint. It is prepared during the sprint planning meeting, and the user stories are groomed.
What is the difference between the incremental and iterative development models?
There are many differences between incremental and iterative models, but below is the critical difference between those two models:
  • Iterative model: It is a continuous software development method in which the software development cycle is repeated until the final product is achieved.
  • Incremental model: In this model, the software is developed portion-wise. In each increment, each segment of functionality is delivered through cross-discipline work, from the requirements to the deployment.

What is the meaning of spike and zero sprints in Agile? What is the purpose of it?

Sprint Zero: If you are going to start a new project, before starting the development of the project, you need to do some research and POC on some of the features. Usually, on sprint zero, the developers perform some activities like setting a development environment, preparing the product backlog, and so on.

Spikes: Spikes are stories used for activities like research, exploration, design, and even prototyping. In between sprints, you can take spikes for work related to any technical or design issue. There are two types of spikes: Technical Spikes and Functional Spikes.

What are the qualities a good Agile tester should have?

An excellent Agile tester should have the following qualities.

  • It should be able to understand the requirements quickly.
  • An agile tester should know Agile principles and concepts thoroughly.
  • As requirements keep changing, the tester should understand the risks involved.
  • Based on the needs Agile tester should be able to prioritize the work.
  • Continuing communication between business associates, developers, and testers is a must.

Who are all involved in the Agile team?

In agile, the two main leads are

  • Scrum Masters: It coordinates most of the inputs and outputs required for an agile program
  • Development Managers: They hire the right people and develop them with the team.

What is the difference between Scrum and Agile?

Scrum: In scrum, a sprint is a basic unit of development. Each sprint is followed by a planning meeting, where the tasks for the sprint are identified and estimated. During each sprint, the team creates the finished portion of a product.
Agile: In Agile, each iteration involves a team working through a full software development cycle, including planning, design, coding, requirement analysis, unit testing, and acceptance testing when a product is demonstrated to stakeholders In simple words, Agile is the practice, and scrum is the process of following this practice.

What is test-driven development?

Test-driven development, or TDD, is also known as test-driven design. In this method, a developer first writes an automated test case that describes a new function or improvement, then creates small code to pass that test and later refactors the new code to meet acceptable standards.

What is the burn-up and burndown chart in Agile methodology?
To track the progress of a project, burn-up and burn down-chart are used

  • Burnup Chart: It shows the development of stories done over time
  • Burndown Chart: It shows how much work was left to do overtime

What Scrum-ban?

Scrum-ban is a software development model based on Scrum and Kanban. It is specially designed for projects that require frequent maintenance, have unexpected user stories, and have programming errors. Using this approach, the team’s workflow is guided in a way that allows minimum completion time for each user story or programming error.

What is the story point in Agile?

The story point is to represent the difficulty of the story without assigning the actual hours. the story points are scaled like Fibonacci number sequence ( 1,2,3,5,8,13,….100). but some teams are using a linear scale (1,2,3,4….) Powers of 2 (1,2,4,8……) and cloth size (XS, S, M,L, XL)

Why is continuous integration essential in Agile methodology?

continuous-integration is necessary because of the following reasons:

  • It helps to maintain a release schedule on time by detecting bugs or integration errors
  • Due to frequent agile code delivery, usually every sprint of 2-3 weeks, stable quality of build is a must, and continuous integration ensures that It helps to maintain the quality and bug-free state of the codebase
  • Continuous integration helps to check the impact of work on branches to the main trunk if development work is going on branches using the automatic building and merging function

What testing is done by the tester during the agile?

In Agile, some activities are carried out. The developers do elementary testing, which is unit testing and exploratory testing. Depending on the project requirements, a tester may execute functional and non-functional testing of the application.

Final Words

I hope after going through all these Agile interview questions and answers, you will get an idea and also be able to answer the questions you will face in an interview because we tried to pull some of the frequently asked interview questions which you may face in an interview.

Nowadays, most companies are following a methodology or Agile development in one form or another. so let me know if in your organization, how you are following Agile methodology, and what Agile methodologies interview questions you have faced during an interview in the comment section.

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