Accenture Overview
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- 10000+ employees
- 1989
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Accenture Automation Testing Interview Questions: The essential part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.
Wouldn’t it be great if you knew precisely what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Accenture interview questions and answers.
Post On: | Accenture Selenium Interview Questions |
Post Type: | Interview Questions |
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Applicable For: | Freshers & Experience |
We have tried to share some of the manual testing interview questions, selenium interview questions, and testing interview questions, but we recommend spending some quality time getting comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Accenture interview.
Still, we need your love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So please share your recent interview questions and experience with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at
Accenture Selenium Interview Questions
Interview Location: Bangalore
Interview Date: 6th Nov,2024
Updated on: 26.06.2024
- Introduction
- Project framework explanation
- Final…Finally…Finalize
- Findelement vs findelements
- Set vs list
- Waits with syntax
- Scenario based questions
- Interface explanation
- Where are you using oops in your framework
- Methods for checkbox
- Write a program to select an excel file and print data of an excel file
- Constructor
- Set vs list
- Overloading vs overriding
- Static keyword
- Methods of action class
- Get vs navigate
- Return type of window handles
- Handling frame
Source: Telegram Group
Interview Location: Bangalore
Updated on: 26.06.2024
- Introduction
- Framework explanation
- Oops, where it was used in the framework
- Asked to write XPath on Amazon website
- Asked different XPath axes
- Asked to write code for auto suggestion drop-down
- Asked to write the end-to-end flow for login in the framework
- Code for handling different tabs in selenium
- Approach for production bugs
- If any team member doesn’t work according to the timeline then what steps will be taken
- Application of POJO in API testing with rest assistance
- Asked to write lines of code for it.
- What are listeners?
- How to read data from Excel sheet.
- Asked to write scenario outline.
- What reporting mechanism do you use for automation?
- Types of exceptions u faced and how did you handle them
- How to run multiple test cases in TestNG
- How to use regular expressions in cucumber
- Challenges faced while doing BDD automation
Source: LinkedIn Group
Interview Location: Bangalore
Updated on: 21.06.2024
- Self Introduction
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Explain the BDD Cucumber Framework
- POM Structure
- XPath: Absolute and Relative XPath
- How to Handle Dynamic Web Elements in XPath
- How Can We Fetch Links in a WebTable
- OOP Concepts
- Multithreading
- Regression, Sanity, and Smoke Testing
- Defect Life Cycle
- If an Attribute Name Dynamically Changes in the DOM, How Can You Write XPath Expressions?
For example:
In the above example, id, name, and class are changed dynamically. In that scenario, how can you handle the situation if there is no locator available in the DOM?
//tagname[@*[.=’message5′]] - How to Write the Parent Node of the Current XPath?
Example: //span[@id=’value’]
Interview Location: Bangalore
Updated on: 11.05.2024
- Explain the OOPS concept.
- Explain the OOPS concept in your Selenium project.
- Which type of variables can we have in the interface? Can we have non-static variables?
- Can we have methods with the body inside the Interface?
- Which version of Java are you using?
- How to create read-only classes?
- Duplicate – return type of method – Method Overloading – Is it right?
- How can you achieve Multiple Inheritance in Java?
- What is Diamond’s problem?
- Can we change the value of static variables?
- Usage of super and this keyword?
- Program: String str=”32400121200″;
- Output should be: 00003241212 (all zeroes should be in starting)
- What is Exception handling? How to handle it?
- What is Exception propagation?
- Can we have a try block without a catch block?
- Will finally block be always executed? Can I abort the program before running this finally?
- Sysout statement after finally block? Will it get executed?
- OAUth 1 vs OAuth2 – Difference
- https / http – security? – Difference?
- Design pattern in API testing framework
- Any idea about BDD Cucumber?
- Log4J levels – default
- Appenders – Types?
- git merge
- git conflict
- git fetch
- Ever check what is inside this -> .git folder?
- XPath Axes :
- Xpath for Change column (with Tata Steel) -> (//a[text()=’Tata Steel’]//parent::td)//following::td[2]
- following vs following-sibling?
- How can I check whether Tata Steel is there in 1st column or not
Source: LinkedIn Group
Company Location: Bangalore
Updated on: 11.05.2024
- Generate a random String of a given size in Java
- How do you move to the 40th window when multiple windows are opened?
- How to execute the test from the command line
- How do you sort Maps in Java
- How to check broken links on a page
- static block, two methods, constructor block – How does this output get generated after execution
- The architecture of selenium 3 & 4, why is there no use of JSON wire protocol now in selenium?
Source: LinkedIn Group
Company Name: Accenture
Company Location: Bangalore
No Of Rounds: 4
Updated on: 30.04.2024
- Introduce yourself
- Explain framework
- What is Maven?
- The difference between assert and verify
- Types of locators
- Which is the best CSS selector or XPath?
- Selenium components
- Selenese and types of selenese?
- What are the different types of test automation frameworks?
- Limitations of selenium?
- Can we test the captcha and barcode reader using selenium?
- Types of waits?
- If I have to mention specific conditions like an element to be clickable or an element to be visible. which wait will we use?
- Do you have any idea about Jenkins?
- Do you have any idea about Appium?
- What is the project structure in Eclipse?
- Difference between thread.sleep and setSpeed()?
- Agile methodology?
- What is scrum?
- Difference between close and quit
- Difference methods in navigating: to, forward, back, refresh
- Difference between driver.navigate() and driver.get()
- Can Selenium handle Windows-based popups?
- Difference between absolute and relative XPath?
- Syntax of relative XPath
- What different types of exceptions in selenium?
- Difference between getwndowhandle() and getwindowhandles()?
- What is an object repo?
- Difference test case design techniques
Company Name: Accenture
Position: Sr. QA (Agile)
Company Location: Hyderabad
Experience: 6 Yrs
Shared By: Srikanth Kumar
No Of Rounds: 4
Updated on: 03.10.2022
For me, the Accenture Selenium Interview Questions are asked in 4 rounds of interviews. Out of those two technical rounds, a managerial round,s and HR Round.
Technical Questions:
- Basics to Project level
Technical Round Interview Questions:
Conceptual, Agile Methodology, About Project, Your Roles &Responsibilities in the project, Documentations, SQL basics, (Tell me about Webservices & mainframe testing and how you used- I was not much aware of these but was mentioned in my resume as I worked for a couple of months)
- Tell me something about yourself.
- Explain your framework.
- What is XPath?
- How to write XPath?
- How many XPath functions?
- What is the use of Following-Sibling?
- How to go back from child to parent object?
- What is TestNG?
- Tell me the annotations present in TestNG.
- Can we write more than on @Test annotation in TestNG? If yes, why?
- Tell me about the Scrum methodology.
- What is the difference between backlog and front log?
- What is the use of Build.xml?
- How can we modify Build.xml, and where do we have to save this?
- How to see the result in TestNG?
- What is the difference between Implicit wait and Explicit wait?
- What is the latest version of the Selenium web driver jar file?
- How to work with Intenet Explorer in Selenium webdriver?
- Why is a browser driver not needed in Mozilla Firefox?
Managerial Round Questions:
- How does your day start in the company/project? All situational with timelines-based questions tested my approach to all situations, and at times, I added a few points and gave advice for my answers.
HR Round Questions
- General intro, Salary discussion/Negotiations/Finalised CTC, explained benefits, Salary structure, and all—After a couple of days, an offer letter was sent.
- The first three rounds are interactive, like a 1:1 discussion on concepts and project timelines/situations—role and responding to each situation.
Tips: Advice for Manual testers: Be proficient with your skills. You know SQL, it’s mandatory. Basic knowledge of automation would be good for you.
Accenture Performance Testing Interview Questions
Company Name: Accenture
Position: Performance Tester
Company Location: Gurgaon
Experience: 2 Yrs
Shared By: Akriti Sinha
No Of Rounds: 4
Updated on: 03.10.2022
The interview process was very smooth and quick. First, there was an online assessment on Loadrunner on Mettl Secure Browser. Then, the first interview round, which was a one-hour technical round, was scheduled, followed by a managerial and an HR round.
- Roles and responsibilities as a Performance Tester.
- What things do we collect during requirement gathering?
- How would we proceed if the client doesn’t provide TPS or SLA rt?
- How do we identify a business-critical scenario?
- How do we set rules in automatic correlation?
- If we have dynamic boundaries of a dynamic value, how do we correlate it
- How many types of tests have you performed?
- Have you ever come across a memory leak? How do you resolve it?
- Were you ever monitoring garbage collector graphs in AppDynamics?
- What are the different schedulers in PC?
- What is the global scheduler?
- How can you use Selenium IDE?
- What is the difference Between Selenium RC & WebDriver?
- About different locators and how you are using them in your script?
- How to write XPath for some scenarios?
- Write a code for the login page.
- What is Jenkins & Have you implemented it in your project?
- Different topics and uses of TestNG?
- How are you handling pop-ups?
- How are you handling the drop-down list?
- How you are performing on a context menu
Tips: Focus on the scripting and analysis part.
Accenture Automation Testing Interview Questions
Company Name: Accenture
Position: Functional Planning Tester
Company Location: Pune
Experience: 2.7 Yrs
Shared By: Mayuri Palase
No Of Rounds: 3
Updated on: 03.10.2022
The first round is a technical assignment test that includes all testing topic questions that are tricky. Once you clear this around, I have attended the Face to Face Round.
- Introduce yourself
- What is the burndown chart?
- What is a defect ageing and formula?
- What are the testing principles?
- What is agile and the manifesto of agile?
- What are sprint backlogs and meetings?
- What are defect clusters and formulas?
- Scenario to write SQL query.
- Difference between Test cases, test scenarios, and test scripts.
- Difference between Abstract class & Interface.
- Write a program to swap numbers without 3rd variable.
- Write a program to reverse a string without using the StringBuffer class
- Write a program to find a string in another string.
- Why is a static keyword used in the main method?
- Difference between static binding & dynamic binding.
- Write an XPath of an element in the table using its adjacent element.
- What are Various annotations used in TestNG?
- What methods can be inherited by the child class?
- Is it possible to override the main method?
Tips: For this position, please prepare for the agile model deeply.
Accenture Testing Interview Questions
Company Name: Accenture
Position: Functional Test Planning
Company Location: Pune
Experience: 4 Yrs
Shared By: Rahul
No Of Rounds: 2
Updated on: 03.10.2022
The interview was good. The entire interview was related to Agile.
- Your Roles and responsibilities in your current company
- What is the difference between truncate and delete?
- Explain any one framework which is used in your project.
- What is the difference between QA and QC?
- What is a Test plan
- Explain the defect life cycle
- Explain HP ALM
- What are the responsibilities of the product owner
- What is velocity
- What is a deferred defect
- What is scrum
- What is a product and sprint backlog?
- Can we overload the main method in Java?
- Explain the final class.
- Explain the test life cycle.
- How to handle drop-down using selenium?
- Using selenium, can we automate desktop applications?
- About V-model?
- How many locators are available in selenium, and explain each one?
Tips: Prepare Agile in detail.
Accenture Online Skill Assessment Test For Experienced Selenium
Company Name: Accenture
Position: Test Engineer senior analyst
Company Location: Pune
Experience: 5 Yrs
Shared By: Aditi Kumari
No Of Rounds: 2
Updated on: 03.10.2022
Well, general preparation and confidence are the keys. When answering the questions, make sure you use that method. If you’re explaining Inheritance or polymorphism, try to answer how that is used in the actual project.
As well as try to provide sufficient information on how it benefits the project.
- What is the difference between maven test and install?
- In your framework, what is called first?
- How you are handling Drop-downs.
- Explain the Maven cycle.
- What happens when we call MVN clean
- How can you perform parallel testing using TestNG?
- How TestNG priority works.
- How Data provider works.
- Have you ever Worked on an Array list?
- What is the use of Thread count?
- If I have not provided the XML suit file in Surefire, what kind of exception will it throw?
- When will you get the Stale element exception?
- When you face an Invalid argument exception
- The difference between the no such element found exception and the Stale element exception.
- What kind of exception have you faced in selenium?
Tips: Best to Prepare Yourself for the Logic.
Accenture Interview Questions For Automation Testing
Interview Location: Pune
Experience: 6 years
Interview Mode: Virtual
Updated Date: 27-04-2022
For these Accenture interview questions, We Thank Usha Hedgire for coming forward and sharing these Testing interview questions with us. We hope this also motivates others to share their interview experience and questions.
Still, we need your Love ❤️ and support 🤝 to build a better platform for our fellow Testing Community. We want to create an incredible platform where QAs can access real-time testing interview questions in a single place.

BDD Cucumber Framework
- What is a scenario outline?
- Hooks
- Background
- How to write a step definition for login?
- How do you run 5 out of 10 test cases in BDD cucumber?
- Can priority be negative in TestNG?
- What is dependency in TestNG?
- Exclude and include in TestNG?
- When the order of priority of the test cases is the same, what will be the execution order?
- What is Map? method to add the objects, and how do you iterate?
- What is the Static keyword?
- Explain Encapsulation
- Explain the method overriding in Java.
- What are the Array list and Linked list?
- How do you convert List to Array?
- How do you fetch duplicate characters in a string?
- What is the difference between a list and a set?
- How do you handle windows, and what does it return?
- Frames
- Actions Class
- How do you perform right-click?
- What is an inner join?
- What is the difference between Drop and Delete?
Accenture Interview Questions
Company Location: Bangalore
Updated Date: 27-11-2021
Web services:
- Tell me about yourself.
- How to perform authentication in soap web services?
- Why do we have to use Xpath in the soap UI?
- What are soap UI assertions?
- What is the difference between rest and soap web services?
- What is the purpose of web service?
- When to go for soap and rest web services?
Manual testing:
- Explain test strategy and test planning.
- Explain defect management activities.
- Explain the Jira tool.
- What is agile?
- When to give acceptance criteria?
Accenture Testing Interview Questions For Experienced
Company Location: Bangalore
Experience: 2.5 to 4 years of experience
Interview Date: 28.07.2021
Interview Mode: Virtual
Position: Selenium Automation Engineer
- What is the difference between assert and verify
- Explain the Select class
- Testing annotations. When and where to use it. Parameter, groups.
- What are the waits in selenium
- The difference between explicit, implicit wait
- Exceptions in selenium and example for each.
- Difference between method overloading and overriding. Different with example.
- What is an abstract class?
- What is encapsulation
- What is inheritance? Give an example.
- Collection hierarchy.
- What are the interfaces which extend the collection interface?
- Difference between collection and collections.
- Difference between findelement and findelements method.
- Which collection concept do you use in your project?
- Which framework have you used? Elaborate on your project folder structure.
- Defect life cycle.
- Apache poi
- How to handle popups, windows popup
- What are the locators in selenium
- How much do you rate yourself out of 10 in Java?
- What process do you follow in agile methodologies
- How you give story points
- What is garbage collection
- Which version control tool have you used in your project?
- How do you capture failed test cases?
- If you want to execute only failed test cases, how will you execute them?
- For reporting what you use in your project.
- How will you close add pop using selenium
- How do you handle a list
- How do you handle the table?
- Have you used AutoIT in your project
- How do you set parameters in your project?
Accenture Selenium Interview Questions And Answers For Experienced
Company Location: India
Interview Date: 10.03.2021
Updated on: 10.07.2021
Though the questions depend on the interviewer, I thought of sharing them for reference.
- Self-intro
- The framework uses and explains.
- Oops concept and explain how you have implemented it in your project.
Ans: Be prepared with your project-related stuff, even though you haven’t used all the oops concepts in your project, so you can spontaneously explain and impress them. - How to achieve parallel execution?
Ans: TestNg<Parallel = test/class/>
Selenium Grid by configuring nodes. - How many tests will run at a time in parallel execution?
Ans: It depends on the thread count, basically test case count/ thread count. - How will the Webdriver understand which script to run on which thread?
Ans: Refer to Java ThreadSafe - How are TestNG and BDD used in a single project?
Ans: BDD for Business team demo, TestNG for functional test.. and explained how to set up and execute from Eclipse IDE till maven/ Jenkins integration. - Explain the test runner in BDD.
- Running different test suites, e.g., smoke test, Regression, E2E
Ans: using maven profiles and respective TestNG XML. - Are you reading data from a web table?
Ans: Refer to the selenium web table testing the concept - Retrieve data from DB and use it for batch execution, where the data should be from the last batch and shouldn’t have duplicates.
Ans: Db/Webdriver connection and SQL queries to sort the DB data based on date and limit values as per need and store it in a HashSet and access it to pass the data to test script - How do you locate a eliminate that will only load when you scroll the web page, and does the element’s position vary every time?
Ans: Refer to selenium JS executor, scroll-based on the visibility of an element. - How to handle random popups?
Ans: Refer, Try, Catch; finally, the concept - Handling frames?
- Many elements in a page with the same parent/child attributes, how will you locate them uniquely?
Ans: followings sibling’s concept - Are you taking screenshots of failed test cases?
Ans: explain ExtentReport, ITestListener, and integrating with Jenkins. - When we click on a button, it changes to a green colour. How to verify it?
Ans: using CSS colour codes - Find a missing number from 1 to 10.
Ans: check google - Reverse triangle using Java?
Merge conflict in GIT? - How Are you finding the 3rd highest salary from the emp table?
Ans: SQL subqueries - What are the differences b/w unions and join in SQL?
- Apply bonus to employees based on experience in emp table?
Ans: SQL case, if, else conditions
Accenture QA Interview Questions
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Experience: 3-5 Years
Updated Date: 18-02-2021
- Java program to find duplicates
- Java program to find a product without using multiplication
- Can we achieve multiple inheritances?
- What is the difference between merge and rebase
- What is selenium
- If there is a textbox that accepts 100 characters only when you start typing, the tooltip should display how many characters are left. How will you validate how many counts are left?
- How do you decide which test case is feasible for automation or not
- Questions on agile – process, scrum framework, retrospective meeting, team
- Questions on Api testing – different status codes, idempotent method, and some scenarios.
- How will you connect the DB to Java,
- SQL query – find the second-largest salary
- Do you use Thread.sleep() frequently? If yes, explain its limitations. If not, are there no reasons not to use it?
- What is the difference between findelement() and findelements()?
- Difference b/w implicitly Wait and Explicit Wait.
- What is the difference between a data-driven and Keyword-driven framework and a hybrid framework?
- Describe your framework.
- How can Customized or Created HTML Reports be prepared using TestNG in the hybrid framework?
- What is a fluent wait?
- What are different wait mechanisms that can be used in scripting?
- @before class @ before method, which will execute first in TestNG and Why
Accenture Interview Process
There are 3 Rounds of the interview process. Out of that, I can recall a few of them. I hope this will help all. I am so sharing here.
First-Round Selenium Questions
- Explain your project selenium framework
- Questions of selenium web drivers wait.
- Actions class
- Drop-downs
- Same Origin Policy
- How to handle window-based popups
- A lot of questions on selenium asked
Second-Round Manager Round
- How you will handle team conflicts.
- How you manage stress
- Agile vs. Waterfall
- Many days today, scenarios are given, and how you handle them
Third Round HR
- Why do you want to join Accenture
- How will you handle tough clients?
- Many questions asked
Accenture Selenium MCQ Questions
Hi team. I had the Accenture written test for functional test planning yesterday. Here 👇are the questions asked.
Accenture Interview Questions For Selenium
- Selenium, Appium, and Java which versions used in the project.
- Waits in selenium
- Thread. sleep in selenium
- How you will select frames from multiple frames.
- Appium default server and port number
- How to do the setup for Appium testing.
- Explain Excel data-driven testing.
- Explain the framework used In the project.
- Action and select class methods
- How to right-click in selenium?
- TestNg annotations.
- How will you define in testNG if other methods depend on any method?
- Types of Xpath
- Parent-child traversing in Xpath.
- Suppose there are two elements with the exact locator details then how you will select the second element.
- How will you give priority in TestNG
- Window handling in selenium
- Verify and assert the difference.
- Which external plugin is required to upload files in Selenium?
- Java modifiers
- Which Java modifiers have you used in your project- for the main class file, which modifier have you used?
Accenture Interview Questions For API Testing
- Rest and sop difference?
- What does mean by rest is light compared to soap
- Why soap is more secure than rest.
- Different response code
- When do we get a stale element exception?
- Explain overloading and overriding with examples.
- Explain all the oops concepts you used in your framework.
- If you cannot find any element, what techniques will you apply?
- Verification and validation with examples.
- Response time in rest and soap services. Is there any difference?
Source: Telegram Group
Accenture Online Assessment Test For Selenium
Thanks to Saritha for sharing the latest interview questions with us. Guys, we sincerely request that everyone share the latest interview questions. So we can build a better community for all testers.
1st Round on Selenium
- What is Java?
- How much do you rate yourself in Selenium and Java?
- OOPs concepts
- Access Modifiers explanation
- Interface new feature
- Questions on Collections, have you used them in your project?
- Difference between HashMap and HashTable
- How do you handle multiple windows?
- How do you handle frames? If you are on a base page, you have Frame A and Frame B, and these are siblings. How do you switch to Frame A first, and next, how do you switch to Frame B from Frame A
- How to switch to the base frame after switching to multiple frames
- Question on Agile methodology, how do you manage automation for agile
- TestNG Questions like groups, priority, data provider
- How to run the same scripts for different tests like smoke, regression
- Class A uses five web elements if you have three classes, Class B uses ten web elements, Class C uses 15 Web elements, and all the classes have common elements. How will you manage your code [Have to use inheritance concept; parent class should have all the web elements, child classes should inherit parent and can use whatever the class needs]
- Question on the framework, what are the components you are using
- How will you write code to use Excel sheets?
Accenture Technical Interview Questions
- Tell me about your roles and responsibilities.
- Explain JAVA
- Write a simple program to print your name with commands to compile and run the program.
- What is the meaning of p.s.v.m(String args)
- Explain exception handling
- How will you come out of try{} block
- What is the use of finally{} block
- How will you go out of the finally{} block
- Difference between Hashtable and hashmap and their uses
- Can value be a key value in a hashtable?
- Explain polymorphism
- Explain method overloading and method overriding
- Explain inheritance
- What are the constructors?
- Types of access specifiers and their scope
- What is monkey testing? Who performs it?
- Given a login page with username and password text fields with cancel and login buttons. Give test scenarios
- Difference between the test plan and test lab
- What is API Testing
Accenture Selenium Interview Questions
- Can you brief me about yourself?
- What is the difference between a hashmap and a hashtable?
- Difference between StringBuffer and string classes.
- What is testing
- What are the different types of testing
- What types of testing do you know apart from functional and performance testing?
- What is security testing?
- Where would you see yourself in the next two years?
- What is compatibility testing?
- What is code coverage?
- Why are you looking for a change?
- What are your achievements in your project?
- What are the challenges you had in your project?
- How would you rate yourself in Java out of 5?
- What is a garbage collector in Java?
- How do you achieve multiple inheritances in Java?
- What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class?
- Write a program to find the prime number
- Some questions of reasoning, probability.
- How do you update your knowledge?
- What is stlcCan you tell me about the output of each component in STLC?
- Can you tell me if the output of each component is STLC?
- Have you done anything innovative in the past three years that pleased you?
- What tools do you use in QA automation?
- What is selenium?
- Explain your selenium framework.
- What is the repository you have used for objects in a framework?
- Can you write a sample webdriver script for the login functionality of Gmail?
- What are the different annotations in TestNG?
- What is the use of @BeforeTest annotation?
- How do you access the TestNG class file methods and parameters?
- I have a package with 10 class files, and I would like to run the first 6 class files in parallel and the rest four sequentially. How do I do that?
- Write the TestNG XML file structure for the above scenario with parallel values as “tests” and “classes.”
- How do you do parameterization in TestNG?
- How is the data provider different from passing parameters from the TestNG XML file?
- How do you handle dependency test cases in TestNG?
- Write the code for the following:
a)Check if the given string is a palindrome or not.
b) Check if the given integer is a palindrome or not.
c) Write a sample code for hashmap and hashtable
d) write a sample code for threads - Given an array int a[] = int a{1,2,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,7}
a)Find the duplicates in the above array and store them in a separate array
b)Find the nonduplicates and store them in another array.
Accenture Assessment Test For Automation Engineer
1st round test
- All BB selenium and TestNG maven-related questions.
2nd round- telephonic interview in their office
- Tell me about yourself. What is your project all about
- Explain Abstract class
- Can we achieve multiple inheritances in Java?
- Final, and finally, keyword difference
- Collection hierarchy
- What is the difference between a set and a list?
- ArrayList and how it works
- How will you switch to different Windows?
- Maven and its lifecycle phases.
- Why is Maven preferred in projects?
- What plugins do you use in Maven?
- Pom.xml file and Trang.xml files difference
- Nosuchelementexception and Element Not found exception what the difference between that is.
- Cucumber – how much do you know about it?
- Who is writing feature files in your project, and who should write them according to your understanding
- Can we have multiple catches after the single try?
- Where do you use the collection in your framework?
- How to iterate ArrayList
- What is a hashmap, and how does it work
- Which framework are you using, and in which layer do you work
- Which version control tool are you using
- What all commands you used it git
- Write an Excel sheet code
- If the Excel sheet has one column marked run and the values for different test cases are Y or N, how will you ensure that only Y-value test cases run?
- How to set priority for any test
- How to enable or disable the test
- How to use different TestNG annotations
- How Ur framework has been built.
- If you want to run only some specific tests, then how will you make sure that
2nd round
- Test with two different scenarios that you need to automate
Accenture Assessment Test
- Tell me about yourself.
- Explain the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC).
- Why do we go for automation testing?
- What is regression testing?
- What is XPath?
- Explain exception handling.
- What is the difference between absolute XPath and relative XPath?
- Explain your current project.
- Tell me the steps to automate the Gmail login page.
- What is selenium IDE?
- What are the disadvantages of Selenium IDE?
- Why is the Selenium web driver more popular?
- How many wait commands are in the Selenium web driver?
- What is an alert command in Selenium IDE?
- What is the difference between Assert and verify?
- How do we check whether the web element is present on the UI?
- How to get the text from a web page?
- What is the user of IsEnable and IsSelected in the Selenium web driver?
- How to work with drop-down in selenium web driver?
- What are the features of selenium IDE?
- How many locators are available in the Selenium web driver?
- Which locator is good for finding the element?
- How many ways can we launch the web page in the Selenium web driver?
- I want to add a verification point to Selenium IDE. Is it possible to do this during recording or manually?
- Which domain are you working on?
- What is Selenium’s tool suite?
Accenture Selenium Interview Questions
- What is the framework used in your project?
- Explain the data-driven and Hybrid framework.
- What is TestNG?
- What is the difference between TestNG and JUnit?
- What is ANT?
- What are the important elements of ANT?
- What is clean in ANT?
- What is Robotium?
- What is Selenese?
- What is meant by Continuous Integration?
- What are web services? Can we test web services using Selenium? What is a different kind of Web service?
- And REST?
- Explain STLC.
- What are the Settings needed to run ANT from the command prompt?
- What is the use of AutoIT?
- What is the difference between Delete and Drop?
- Explain how to handle a Child browser pop-up.
- Explain the different types of wait in Selenium.
- What is shell scripting? What are the basic commands used?
- What is Regression Testing?
- Explain how you find the total number of objects on a web page.
- Explain the different kinds of locators in selenium.
- How do you convert Javascript in Selenium IDE to Java in Webdriver?
- What are the commands ANT uses in the build?XML file?
- Explain how you handle mobile Testing using Selenium Webdriver.
- What are the tools used for Mobile browsers?
- What different Support classes are available in Selenium to test Android and iPhone mobiles?
- Can we use cucumber? Explain
- What is JDBC?
- Explain the difference between Rowset and Resultset.
- Explain your project’s driver for the JDBC connection with connection details.
these questions really help me .
Happy To know that these questions help you lot, I hope you can share your interview experience and interview questions with us so that we can make this community better for all our fellow testers.
Helped me a lot,
1st round on Selenium:
1. What is Java?
2. How much you rate your self in Selenium and Java?
3. OOPs concepts
4. Access Modifiers explannation
5. Interface new feature
6. Qn on Collections, have you used in your project?
7. Difference between HashMap and HashTable
8. How do you handle multiple windows?
9. How do you handle frames, if you r on base page, you have frameA, frameB and these are siblings, how do you switch to frameA first and next how do you switch to frameB from frameA
10. How to switch to base frame after switching to multiple frames
11. Question on Agile methodology, how do you manage automation for agile
12. Testng Questions like groups, priority, dataprovider
13. how to run same scripts for different tests like smoke, regression
14. if you have 3 classes, ClassA uses 5 webelements, ClassB uses 10 webelements, Class C uses 15 Webelements, all the classes have common elements, how will you manage ur code [Have to use inheritance concept, parent class should have all the webelements, child classes should inherit parent and can use whatever the class needs]
15. Question on framework, what are the components u r using
16. How will you write code to use excel sheets
Thanks, Saritha For Sharing the latest interview questions with us. I hope this type of activity motivates others to keep sharing their experience on this platform. so that we can make a better platform for our fellow testing communities.
These questions asked in online assessment skill test or technical round
What was the questions asked for 2 years of experience.
Hi Softwaretestingo,
please share pune location interviews having 2 years experience.
thank you.
Sure we will try to update
does anyone of you have applied for functional test planing position in accenture
Yes..I have interview tmrw.
How was your interview?
Can you please share your interview questions with me?
Can you share your experience
I have applied for functional test planning position in Accenture.
What was the questions asked for 2+ years of experience.
please help me to clear the interview will helps me lot
accenture is the worst company after clearing all the rounds for functional test planning position.I got a mail regarding documents upload but after that my status chnaged to
“Candidature is closed” . I contacted hr and my talent coach but no one received my call.
This incident shows how pathetic is accenture hr team and their recruitment process. I never seen such stupid behavior from any other company in my whole career.
HI Abhay, my interview is scheduled on 16th April 2021 for the same role. Can you tell me what they’ve asked
Can u share the details of an interview?
1. How many total rounds are there
2. Whats questions asked from you in each round
Hi Rahul and Vikhyat
Hope your interview went well.
Can you share the list of questions they asked
Thanks in Advance
What questions were asked in the 1st round.Please share the questions if you remember any.
Can anyone share interview questions asked for functional test planning position in Accenture.
Can you share interview questions asked for functional test planning position in Accenture.
Can any one tell me the correct answer for above functional testing question ??
Has anyone attended Accenture’s assessment test based on primary Skills(Selenium) before Interview?
If yes, could you please share the questions asked.
Kaylan have attended that exam for primary skill as selenium
Hi Kalyan,
If u have attended means what type of questions they have asked its purely selenium based questions or functional.if any one knows plz comment ??
Most of the questions are from Selenium only.