Capgemini Automation Interview Questions

Capgemini Overview

  • Paris (France)
  • 10000+ employees
  • 1967
  • Public Company
  • Enterprise Software
  • ₹500 billion
  • HCL

Capgemini Selenium Interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance, and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer and QA for Manual and automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Capgemini Selenium interview questions and answers.

Post On:Capgemini Automation Interview Questions
Post Type:Interview Questions
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience

We have tried to share some of the manual testing interview questions, Selenium Interview Questions for Experienced, and testing interview questions, but we recommend spending some quality time getting comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Capgemini Selenium interview.

Still, we need your love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So, it would be great if you shared your recent interview questions and experiences with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at

Capgemini Interview Questions

Role: Automation Tester
Updated on: 01.03.2025

  • Write a program to find duplicate elements in a string array.
  • How would you introduce yourself briefly and effectively?
  • Explain the framework you have worked with in your automation testing process.
  • How do you handle closing the second window of a browser in automation testing?
  • Differentiate between XPath and CSS selectors.
  • What is the syntax for a LinkText XPath locator?
  • What changes or setups do you perform before starting execution in your framework?
  • How do you handle change requests in your application? Describe the steps you follow.
  • How often do you trigger regression test scripts? How do you manage them in your repository?
  • What challenges have you encountered in automation testing, and how did you overcome them?
  • Explain the differences between GET and POST methods in API testing.
  • What are the essential components of the GET and POST methods?
  • Discuss HTTP status codes like 401 and 503.
  • How do you validate the response code in API testing?
  • What format do you use for assertions in your tests?
  • Explain the difference between 200 and 201 HTTP status codes.
  • Provide the syntax for query parameters in API requests.

Role: Automation Tester
Experience: 4+ Years
Updated on: 13.12.2024

  • Explain the automation framework you have worked on and its components.
  • What are the different types of waits in Selenium? Provide examples.
  • How do you handle dynamic web elements in Selenium?
  • Write a program to check if a given string is a palindrome.
  • What is the Page Object Model (POM), and why is it used?
  • Write a program to merge two sorted arrays without using inbuilt functions.
  • What is the difference between implicit wait, explicit wait, and fluent wait?
  • How can you rerun failed test cases in TestNG?
  • How do you manage test data in your automation scripts?
  • Explain the difference between Selenium WebDriver and Selenium Grid.
  • How would you handle pop-ups and alerts in Selenium?
  • Write a SQL query to fetch the second-highest salary from a table.
  • Write a Java program to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable.
  • What is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation?
  • What are RESTful APIs? How would you test them using Postman or RestAssured?
  • Write a program to count the number of vowels in a string.
  • Write a Java program to reverse a string without using inbuilt functions.
  • How do you prioritize and plan test automation?
  • Explain the difference between @BeforeTest, @BeforeClass, and @BeforeMethod annotations in TestNG.
  • What is continuous integration? Which CI tools have you worked with?
  • Tricky: Write a Java program to check if a number is prime without using inbuilt functions.
  • Explain the differences between HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap.
  • How do you avoid deadlocks in a multithreaded program?
  • Write a Java program to reverse the digits of a number.
  • What is XPath? Explain the difference between absolute and relative XPath.
  • How do you ensure cross-browser compatibility in Selenium scripts?
  • What are the common challenges faced in automation testing, and how do you overcome them?

Interview Location: Bangalore
Duration: 1 Hour
Role: Automation Tester
Updated on: 13.08.2024

  • Self-information
  • Daily activities
  • Framework explanation
  • Selenium locators
  • Xpath and types
  • Method overloading and method overriding
  • String reverse program
  • Postman collection
  • HTTP Methods
  • Authorisation
  • Environment variables
  • Serialisation in Java

Interview Location: Bangalore
Experience: 3 Years
Role: Automation Tester
Updated on: 03.07.2024

  • Asked to write XPath
  • Code for reversing the string
  • BDD questions
  • Framework related questions
  • Programe for getting the count of each character in the string and printing them.
  • TestNG related questions.
  • Selenium questions based on waits action class select methods
  • Java questions and OOPS concepts were used in the framework. Explain the framework used in the project

Company Name: Capgemini Engineering
Experience: 4 Year
Company Location: Bangalore
Updated on: 07.05.2024

  • Self-intro
  • Daily Activities
  • Cucumber framework explanation
  • How can pass the bulk data in cucumber
  • Oops concept encapsulation and polymorphism and how to implement them in your project
  • TestNG explanation
  • Agile projects explanation
  • How to achieve mouse-over actions and keyboard actions
  • How to print all options in the dropdown method
  • How to print the 100th row in an Excel sheet
  • Xpath and types
  • Array list vector list how to implement in your project
  • Scenario and scenario outline
  • Program iyuuuuuyu2022jhh2022-10-22ghghh; Output 2022-10-22
  • Windows handling question

Company Name: Capgemini Engineering
Company Location: Bangalore
Updated on: 30.04.2024

Offline Paper MCQ’S

  • WebDriver
  • Xpath
  • Java Snippet Code

L1 ( 45 Mins )

  • Project Overview
  • Method Overloading Method Overriding
  • TestNG Framework
  • OOP’s Concepts ( Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism)
  • Palindrome
  • String Reverse
  • SQL Joins ( Inner Join, Outer Join)
  • Difference between / and //.
  • Daily Office Activities.
  • difference between length() and length
  • Explain TestNG annotations
  • Ratio Developer to Tester
  • Agile Framework

L2 ( 1.15 hours)

  • Write a Program to sort an array without using the sort method.
  • Write a Script to Demonstrate taking input from an Excel sheet in Selenium.
  • Collection Framework
  • Write an SQL query to find 2nd highest salary.
  • Write a SQL query to Demonstrate Inner and Outer Join.
  • How to handle dynamic objects in selenium.
  • Write a Java Program for the Fibonacci series
  • Java Programs to demonstrate ( Single Inheritance, Method Overloading Method Overriding )
  • Write a Java to Print Pattern.

Company Name: Capgemini Engineering
Company Location: Bangalore
Round: L2 ( Managerial Round )
Experience: 3 Years
Updated on: 30.04.2024

  • WAP to check the occurrence of the elements in the list using a hashmap
  • WAP compares two different strings, stores the unique characters in a new string and prints it
  • Test NG annotations and their hierarchy
  • How do you generate test data for automation
  • Selenium – there are 12 cards on the web page. You need to flip the first one and the second click should be the matching card from the 12 card
  • Explain the framework you are currently using
  • What are your roles and responsibilities with respect to automation?
  • Write some sample automation scripts using BDD for example – I wrote test cases for login
  • What if I want to test with multiple user names and passwords – explained data providers or parameters
  • What is hashmap write simple code for hashmap declaring and assigning values.

Company Name: Capgemini Engineering
Company Location: Bangalore
Shared By: Shivanand S
Updated on: 10.03.2024

  • Role and Responsibility in Project.
  • About Framework
  • Patter program
  • Reverse String Program
  • Selenium basic questions like Action class, about Webdriver, finding all links on the page, etc.
  • Print the below pattern:
    5 5 5 5 5
    4 4 4 4
    3 3 3
    2 2
  • Write selenium code for the below:
    a. open browser
    b. enter username and password from the Excel sheet.
    c. select drop-down value
    d. use explicit wait until drop-down selected.
  • Sort the given number from an Array: Array [] a= {5,8,1,9,5,0,4}
  • Explain framework
  • Explain pom.xml
  • OOPS concepts
  • Explain cucumber framework
  • Difference between abstract class mad interface
  • Explain collection, and its classes
  • Difference between array and ArrayList

Company Name: Capgemini Engineering
Position: Technical Lead
Company Location: Bangalore
Experience: 8 Yrs
Shared By: Sumana
No Of Rounds: 3
Updated on: 03.10.2022

Interviewed for API Automation Role. Good experience. Good communication by HR. They are very clear on the budget, roles, and responsibilities of the vacancy. They were prompt in giving feedback.


  • Explain the Rest Assured framework in your current project
  • What are the different methods used for Rest APIs?
  • What are the HTTP status codes and why do you get them?
  • Explain serialization, deserialization
  • How do you automate Auth token?
  • What are the different types of Authorisation/authentications?
  • What is the difference between scenarios and scenario outlines in cucumber?
  • How do you integrate Jenkins with cucumber test executions?
  • What is the reporting structure for your test executions?
  • What is a step definition file and why do you use it?
  • Explain the architecture of REST API in your application
  • How do you validate the response of your API in automation?
  • How do you assert values in the JSON response of your API?
  • How do you provide test input for API in automation?
  • What are query param and path params?
  • When do you Base64 encoding?
  • How do you integrate Jira with Rest Assured Cucumber?

Company Name: CAPGEMINI
Position: Associate Consultant
Company Location: Bangalore
Experience: 2.5 Yrs
Shared By: Aditi Kumari
No Of Rounds: 3
Updated on: 03.10.2022


  • 1st round -Basic selenium, Agile process
  • 2nd round – Keyword-driven automation
  • 3rd round (client )-Jenkins, Test management tool integration and selenium grid; it’s for Robot automation framework.


  • How do you integrate automated test cases into the test management tool
  • how will you run a project in Jenkins
  • how to set up hub and node
  • What is a constructor, types of it?
  • Does the constructor have any return value?
  • Can we overload the constructor?
  • What is the method of overloading and overriding
  • If the constructor is overloaded only the return type is different than
  • Can we overload the static method?
  • Can we override the static method?
  • Can we overload the main method?
  • What is final method and final variable
  • Syntax for Hashset and what is it
  • Syntax for Hashmap and what is it
  • Subclass inherit static members of the parent class
  • Can we have a try block without a catch and finally?
  • What is throw and throws
  • String s1=”Sachin”; s1.concat(” Tendulkar”); syso(s1); what is the output?
  • Type of framework you have used
  • Wait and its types
  • The difference between assert and verify
  • How to right-click
  • How to switch between frames and how will you come back to the previous frame
  • API status code for POST request when it is successful
  • What is 500
  • What is 501

Company Name: CAPGEMINI
Position: Performance Tester
Company Location: Pune
Experience: 2 Yrs
Shared By: Aditi Kumari
No Of Rounds: 2
Updated on: 03.10.2022


The interview consisted of 2 rounds :

Technical and HR.

The technical round, which lasted approximately 40 minutes, was conducted on the Elevator platform. The major questions were scenarios based on scripting and a few others from the analysis.

The HR round was a telephone round that mainly involved salary discussions.

The sad part is that it’s been two months since we had the final salary discussion, but I’m still awaiting the offer letter.


  • How can we get the response times of every single request in a script: Using a web diagnostics graph in LRA
  • Functions in Loadrunner
  • If we have a scenario where we upload and download a document, how will we proceed with the scripting for it?
  • Correlation types

Here are the technical round interview questions of Capgemini.

Updated on: 02.10.2022

  • Oops, concepts with real-time examples.
  • Difference between set and list with real-time examples.
  • Difference between hashmap and hashtable.
  • Can we overload or override static methods in Java?
  • Difference between java 8 & java 11.
  • What is the use of Super and this keyword?
  • How are the Java objects stored in memory?
  • Write a program to check if the string has all unique characters.
  • How to find duplicate characters in strings.
  • What is a scenario outline?
  • What are hooks?
  • Cucumber options.
  • Annotations in TestNG.
  • Difference between git and GitHub.
  • Git commands.
  • Agile methodologies and ceremonies.
  • How will you write test cases and bug reports in Jira?
  • Difference CI/CD in Jenkins.
  • What is the pipeline in Jenkins?

I hope these questions will help you get an idea of the type of questions you may face in the Capgemini interview.

Neeraj Agarwal recently attended a Capgemini interview. The following questions were asked. I hope it will be helpful in preparing you for your upcoming interviews.

Interview Location: Pune
Experience: 4+ Years
Shared By: Neeraj Agarwal
Interview Date: 28.09.2022

Round 1: Technical

  • Write a Java program to draw a full pyramid pattern.
  • Write a program to get all Unique values from any drop-down selector.
  • How to perform a right click.
  • How to take screenshots using Ashot API.
  • Explain static and dynamic polymorphism with examples.
  • What is the priority in TestNG? what are the minimum values of priority?
  • Explain the difference between method overloading and method overriding.
  • Difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder.
  • Memory Allocation for Static and non-static members.
  • Memory allocation for StringBuilder and StringBuffer.
  • What are access modifiers?
  • Difference between XPath and CSS selector.
  • How to build the docker image and push it to the docker hub. ( Docker was mentioned in my resume)

Round 2: Technical

  • They asked to write XPath for webelement using text(), starting with ().
  • Asked to Write SQL queries.
  • What are the different types of scenarios to verify in API Testing?
  • Explain the API automation framework. Program to Extract data from JSON.

Round 3: Managerial

  • Introduction
  • Educational background and previous exp.
  • Preferred location to join.
  • Write a program to print a count of individual digits in an Integer array using Map : [1,0,0,1,3,5], like here 1 ->2 times, 0->2 times, etc.

    Array -> [1,0,0,1,3,5]
    Output: 1->2 , 0->2, 3->1, 5->1

Company Location: Pune, India
Position: SDET Role
Interview Dated: May 8, 2021
Updated on: 12.10.2021

1st round (Feb 26, 2021) – Ambika Soni

  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Pre-requisites for Automation
    Ans: “Requirement Analysis
  • Proper application build
  • Understand the scenarios
  • Manually check the functionality

Project framework

  • Appium – UIAutomator and XCUITest
  • Both of these are Testing frameworks provided by Android Team and Apple Team

Appium flow

  • Focus on Technical keywords
  • Different locators in Appium
    Ans: Use Appium-Desktop, and there you can use ID, name, link text, partial text in the link, tag name, name of the class, and CSS selector For more read this:
  • Appium-Inspector
    Ans: Appium inspection is a standard procedure to identify the UI elements of a mobile app uniquely. It works with both real devices or simulators(iOS) or emulators(Android).
  • AppPackage and AppActivity
    Ans: appPackage is the technical name of the app which is provided by its developers
    appActivity: The name of the main application activity
    appPackage: The identifier of the application package
    appWaitActivity: The name of the application activity to wait for/which starts the first
    appWaitPackage: The ID of the application package to wait for/which starts the first
    appWaitDuration: The maximum duration to wait until the appWaitActivity is focused in milliseconds (20000 by default)”
  • Appium server architecture
    Ans: Appium is a server, written using node. It is also noteworthy to mention that Appium is a cross-platform app in all its senses: Appium can be used to test mobile applications, whether they run on iOS or Android. Appium can be used to test Hybrid, Native, and Web Apps. Appium runs on Windows, Linux, and MAC
  • DesiredCapabilities
    Ans: Desired capabilities help us modify the behaviour of the server during automation. In Appium, it is a type of hashmap or key-value pair, used to send a command to the APPIUM server. In APPIUM, all the client commands are running in the context of a session.
  • Capabilities for Mobile Automation
 { "platformName": "iOS", "platformVersion": "11.0", "deviceName": "iPhone 7", "automationName": "XCUITest", "app": "/path/to/" }

Company Location: Gurgaon, India
Interview Dated: May 12, 2021
Updated on: 12.10.2021

1st round (May 08, 2021) – Rupa Interview – Technical round 1

  • How do you handle the random pop-ups?
  • How do you write dynamic XPath?
  • Explain your project. And, framework architecture?
  • Where and How are you initializing the driver?
  • What is Linkedlist? What are the Operations you can do with this?
  • What is immutable in Java? Examples?
  • What is the default size of Array and ArrayList?
  • What is Constructor chaining?
  • What is the use of Web Service?
  • Difference between API and Webservice?
  • PUT vs POST
  • Explain Maven’s life cycle. Different Maven commands?
  • Difference between git pull vs git fetch?
  • What is the branch in Git?
  • What is cloning? How can you clone the master branch?

Company Location: Pune, India
Experience: 5 Years
Updated on: 15.03.2021

  • Write the o/p for the below code:
    String s1 = new String(“”abc””);
    String s2 = new String(“”abc””);System.out.println(s1 == s2); False
    StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer(s1); System.out.println(s1.equals(sb1)); False
    String s3 = “”abc””; s3.intern(); System.out.println(s1 ==s3); False
  • What all OOps Concepts have been used in the below program:
public class BaseClass
	private Integer myIntegerValue;
	public void testMethod()
		//(Method Overriding)
		System.out.println("Inside Test Method");
	private void showMethod()
		System.out.println("Inside Show Method");
public class DerivedClass extends BaseClass
        //( Inheritance)
	public void testMethod()
		//(Method Overriding)
		System.out.println("inside derived test method");
	public void showMethod()
		// (Method Overriding)
		System.out.println("Inside derived show method");
  • Write-Output for the below code:
    @test (priority 0) {}
    @test (priority 1){}
    @test (priority 2){}
    @test (priority -1){}
    @test (priority 0){}
  • Write a program Ind12ia45 to print in the below format.
    op- Indiamy1245
  • Git diff
  • Binary no. program
  • Write a syntax to find 3rd highest salary.
  • Desired Capabilities Syntax
  • Open Google Chrome and write an XPath of “I’m Feeling Lucky”
  • How to set up and execute test cases in different Virtual machines?
  • How to Convert Hashmap to Array
  • What is a hashmap?
  • How HasMap works Internally.
  • Diff b/w /, //
  • How Failed TC will rerun Automatically.

Experience: 5 Year
Company Location: Pune

  • Write the o/p for the below code:
String s1 = new String("abc");
String s2 = new String("abc");
System.out.println(s1 == s2); False
StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer(s1);
System.out.println(s1.equals(sb1)); False
String s3 = "abc";
System.out.println(s1 ==s3); False
  • What all OOps Concepts have been used in the below program:
public class BaseClass
   private Integer myIntegerValue;
   public void testMethod()
   {  //(Method Overriding)
      System.out.println("Inside Test Method");
   private void showMethod()
      System.out.println("Inside Show Method");
public class DerivedClass extends BaseClass
{  //( Inheritance)
   public void testMethod()
   {  (Method Overriding)
      System.out.println("inside derived test method");
   public void showMethod()
   {                    // (Method Overriding)
      System.out.println("Inside derived show method");
  • Write-Output for the below code:
@test (priority 0)
@test (priority 1)
@test (priority 2)
@test (priority -1)
@test (priority 0)
  • Write a program Ind12ia45 to print in the below format op- Indiamy1245
  • git diff
  • Binary no. program
  • Write a syntax to find 3rd highest salary.
  • Desired Capabilities Syntax
  • Open Google Chrome and write an XPath of “I’m Feeling Lucky”
  • How do you set up and execute test cases in different virtual machines?
  • How to Convert Hashmap to Array
  • What is a hashmap?
  • How HasMap works Internally.
  • Diff b/w /, //
  • How Failed TC will rerun Automatically.

Experience Level: 3-5 Years
Location: Bengaluru
Mode: F2F
Rounds: 2 rounds
Date: Aug – 2019

It was called based, but many attended as walk-ins as well. It was a huge crowd, and I needed to wait for more for the first round itself. Rounds were very easy, and only basic questions were asked.

First Round:

  • Do you like Automation testing?
  • What did you achieve with automation testing?
  • Which type of framework you are using?
  • What are the locator strategies?
  • How will you close all ad windows when you launch
  • How do you get the title of child window?
  • Two text boxes have the same attributes. How will you locate them?
  • Which wait do you prefer?
  • What is grouping in TestNG?
  • What is Maven?
  • What is the usage of Jenkins?

Second Round:

  • Write a Java program to reverse a string without the reverse method.
  • Have you interacted with the client?
  • How do you report automation status to the client?
  • What is TestNG XML?
  • What are the attributes of TestNG?
  • Why are you not using JUnit?
  • Are you okay to work at the client location?
  • How do you handle a situation where no one is helping you?

After the second round, the client round was scheduled.

Company Location: Bangalore
Updated on: 24.07.2019

  • Write the framework which is used in your project. ( for experienced)
  • Write the code to fetch data from the Excel sheet. (very important question asked in most of the interview)
  • What is StaleElementReferenceException?
  • What is Encapsulation?
  • What is Polymorphism? real-time example?
  • What is the difference between /a and //a[tr]?
  • Write a program to reverse the string.
  • Difference between implicit and Explicit Wait? write code?
  • List the popups and write code to handle them.
  • Write an anagram program?
  • Program to take a screenshot?
catch(ArithmeticException ae)
catch(Exception e)
catch(LogicalException le)
  • Which catch block will get executed if you get ArithmeticException?
  • Which catch block will get executed if you get LogicalException?
  • 4 text boxes with the same class name but different IDs fetch the text present in all textboxes?
  • How do you click on the checkbox using XPath?
  • Print all the options present inside multiple Listbox.
  • How many ways do you findelement in a webpage?

Company Location: Bangalore
Interview Mode: Face to Face

  • How to handle nested frames
  • What are the components of the Test Plan?
  • Difference between Risk and Issue
  • If there are 100 test cases if I want to execute the first 50th test case and after that 1 test case should be executed how do you do it
  • If there are 50 failed test cases I have to re-run only 10 sets how do I execute
  • There are 25 test cases after running the 20th test case 21st test case needs to be executed
  • Are you following Agile Methodologies tell me the sprint duration.
  • There is a release tomorrow you got the build today you are able to execute only 60 % what is your approach to complete 100 %
  • Explain in detail the challenges faced during automation
  • How do you run the failed test cases in TestNG
  • What is synchronization
  • The difference between Implicit and explicit wait

Hr Round

  • Are you comfortable working in any location?
  • Discussion regarding first and second-round feedback
  • Are you comfortable working in a client location?

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

7 thoughts on “Capgemini Automation Interview Questions”

    • We Glad that You like those question and its all possible bcoz of all the testers who have share these interview questions with us and hope other also will do the same

  1. Hi softwaretestingo Team,

    I am really wondering about seeing the HUGE list of questions, I will also share my experience ….. shortly …..

    • We Glad that you like our had work. Sure Krishna you can share your interview questions with us so that will be helpful others too.


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