Test Cases For Checkout Page & Add to Cart

Test Cases For Checkout Page & Add To Cart Test Cases: A test case series evaluating the checkout Page & add to Cart must thoroughly test core functionalities like the shopping cart and checkout process. Key pages and features that require comprehensive test case coverage include the home page, product listing pages, add-to-cart functionality, the cart page itself, and the final checkout and payment pages.

For example, detailed test cases must be written to validate key user flows like searching for and adding a product to one’s cart on Flipkart, Amazon, or any major e-commerce platform. Both system integration test scenarios assessing the end-to-end flows and targeted unit test cases validating UI elements on individual pages, like the cart summary, are necessary for complete validation.

Post On:Test Case For Check Out Page & Add to Cart
Post Type:Test Case Template
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience

Excel test case management sheets outlining inputs, actions, expected results and other parameters can effectively track testing. Overall, the test suite should evaluate critical e-commerce website functionality spanning product search, adding items to one’s cart, validating the cart contents and quantities, calculating cart totals, and completing payment.

Test Case Series For Checkout And Add To Cart Test Cases In Excel Sheet

These checkout Page & add to Cart test cases serve as a critical measure to validate the reliability and efficiency of platforms, contributing to an enhanced online shopping experience.

Add To Cart Test Cases In Excel

The post-purchase experience and how your website can contribute are important to the online retail experience. It’s the first step your customer takes when making a purchase, so if you can make that step better than everyone else, you have a significant advantage over your competitors.

Test cases are important. They ensure that your features work as expected and provide a simple, reliable way to test the entire flow of a feature. However, creating good test cases for your page can be tricky when creating your site from scratch. This article will discuss the best practices for creating effective test cases for Add to Cart functionality.

  • Check whether the add-to-cart button is clickable or not.
  • Check whether the user can add products to the cart or not.
  • Check after Adding one item to the cart and verify.
  • Check on adding the new products to the cart and whether the count is increasing.
  • Check when the same item is added multiple times to the cart.
  • Check whether a successful message is displayed when a product is added to the cart successfully.
  • Check that the added item is displayed in the cart.
  • Check the product QTY field when the product is out of stock.
  • Check that the user can add any or all products to his wishlist by clicking on the wishlist link.
  • Check after removing all items in the cart.
  • Check that the user can mark his order as a gift.
  • The user can mark his order as a gift with a message.
  • Check that the count changes on adding or removing items from the cart.
  • Check that the user is allowed to delete the items in the cart.
  • Check that the success message is displayed when the item is deleted from the cart.
  • Check the sequence order of the items as per the items added to the cart.
  • Check whether the user can check out multiple items from the cart.
  • Check after Adding multiple items of different types and verify.
  • Multiple items are available on the checkout page when users want to check out only one item.
  • Check whether the number of all added items is displayed correctly or not.
  • Check whether the amount changes; your user added or removed items from the cart.
  • The user can change the quantity of the added items in the cart.
  • Check the cart total when the admin end enables the exclusive tax.
  • Check the cart total when the admin end enables the inclusive tax.
  • Check that the product details page opens when the user clicks on the product description on the checkout page.
  • Check that the UI of the add-to-cart is as per the requirement.

Test Cases For Checkout Page

When it comes to the performance of a checkout page, plenty of elements need to be considered. The total amount, whether an account is new or old, whether the customer has paid in cash or with a credit card, and even the size of their wallet must be considered. However, another element that can drastically improve the speed and ease of your checkout process is test cases.

  • Check Users can access the Checkout Page only after adding the product to the cart.
  • Check the checkout page; the user can see all the product details like Name, Quantity, Amount, etc.
  • Check that the checkout address page is only accessible to registered users.
  • Check the checkout page after adding one item to the cart and close the browser. After reopening the same page, the previously added item is displayed in the cart.
  • Check that the mandatory fields of the checkout address page are filled out; the fields can be name, street address, city, state, country, or postal code.
  • Check error message is displayed when the user fills in invalid input details in the mandatory fields.
  • Check if the back-to-cart button is available so the user can modify the cart content per his/her requirement.
  • Check that the user is only redirected to the Checkout page after filling in invalid mandatory details on the checkout address page.
  • Check whether an error message is displayed when the user leaves the mandatory fields blank.
  • Check whether an error message is displayed when the user leaves one mandatory field blank.
  • Check next and see if the cancel button is available on the checkout address page.
  • Check that the price of the cart is discounted when we apply a valid coupon.
  • Check the order price when the coupon is applied.
  • Check the error message for the invalid coupon.
  • Check the order price when gift and wrapping charges are applicable.
  • Check the shipping price.
  • Check the shipping price tax.
  • Check the payment options.
  • Check that the price of the cart is not discounted when we apply an invalid coupon.
  • Check whether the data are deleted or not with the click of the cancel button.
  • Check the mandatory fields of the payment page, such as Name on Card, Card Number, Expiration date, and CVV.
  • Check whether an error message is displayed when the invalid details are filled in the mandatory fields of the payment page.
  • Check whether an error message displays when one mandatory field of the payment page is not filled.
  • Check that the user is redirected to the order page upon successful order processing.
  • Check whether the order number is displayed on my thank you page.



The checkout page and add to cart are crucial aspects of online shopping, affecting how smoothly we can buy what we want. Testing these features on platforms like Flipkart and Amazon ensures everything works well.

We love to hear your thoughts! Please share your insights if you have any comments or suggestions to improve this article or think we missed something. Your feedback helps us improve and ensure we cover all the important details in e-commerce testing. Let’s make online shopping a breeze for everyone!

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4 thoughts on “Test Cases For Checkout Page & Add to Cart”


  2. i would like to know how the real time test cases will write in e-commerce platform. do you have any reference documents or any videos?


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