Deloitte Interview Questions

Deloitte Overview

  • New York, NY (US)
  • 10000+ employees
  • 1850
  • Private Company
  • Accounting
  • ₹500+ billion
  • Amazon, PwC

Deloitte interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew precisely what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Deloitte interview questions and answers.

Post On:Deloitte Interview Questions
Post Type:Interview Questions
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience

We have tried to share some of the rest assured interview questions, Deloitte Manual Testing Interview Questions, and testing interview questions, but we recommend spending some quality time getting comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Deloitte interview.

Still, we need your love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So, it would be great if you shared your recent interview questions and experiences with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at

Deloitte Bangalore India Interview Questions

Role: Senior Test Automation Engineer
Updated on: 01.03.2025

  • Communication between microservices
  • What is encapsulation
  • Differences between abstract class and interface
  • What is an exception handler
  • If ur controller receives multiple requests at time by the client how would you handle those
  • What is circuit design pattern
  • What are solid design principles
  • What are the default methods, can you override it
  • What is a singleton design pattern explain with an example
  • Guess the program output on static blocks
  • Profiling in spring boot
  • Guess the program output on strings equals and == operator example
  • Differences between put and patch
  • Differences between final ,finally, finalize
  • Differences between @requestparam and @path variable give example
  • How db is configured and integrated with springboot
  • What is dispatcher servlet and service registry, how the Eureka server used as centralized node
  • Executor framework
  • Lifecycle of thread
  • Can you run thread by using run method without start() method if not why
  • How to test mockito test cases and annotations used
  • In jpa if ur using inbuilt queries like findbyid if no record is found for that what will be output ,any exception thrown?
  • Explain the flow of layers ur using and explain how u created APIs from controller to repository.
  • Given a list of integers and asked to sort the elements based on ascending order.
  • Types of exceptions with examples.
  • What is the spring actuator How are you incorporated in ur project

Role: Senior Test Automation Engineer
Package: 10 Lac
Updated on: 01.03.2025

𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 1: (𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥)

  • Explain about yourself and your roles and responsibilities.
  • Write Java code to reverse a string while preserving the whitespace.
  • Given an SQL table, find the second-largest salary of an employee.
  • Explain the concept of joins and list the different types of joins available.
  • What is LinkedHashMap? Explain its use.
  • Explain black-box testing and white-box testing.
  • What is the difference between an exception and an error?
  • Difference between findElement and findElements.
  • What is the difference between implicit wait and explicit wait?
  • Write Selenium code to automate a calendar WebElement.
  • How would you fetch the text from a text box in Selenium?
  • How do you enter text in an alert using Selenium?
  • What is the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions?
  • If an XPath selects two elements on a webpage, does findElement throw an exception?
  • Explain smoke testing and sanity testing.
  • What are relative locators in Selenium?
  • Explain the challenges you faced in your project.
  • How would you pick test cases for regression testing?

𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 2: (𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐨-𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥)

  • Explain your framework in detail.
  • In your framework, if you have 100 pages, do you create 100 Page Objects?
  • What is an “Element click intercepted” exception, and how do you fix it?
  • How do you take screenshots for failed test cases only in TestNG?
  • Explain how to connect your test cases with Azure.
  • What is the get fetch command?
  • In Postman, how do you delete a variable after test execution is finished?
  • Why do you prefer using Cucumber BDD in your project?
  • Explain dynamic binding and static binding.
  • What is method overloading, and what is method overriding?
  • What is the difference between Comparable and Comparator?
  • How would you conclude that a login page is user-friendly?
  • What are 5 points you consider when writing a good test case?
  • Suppose a developer is not fixing a bug; how would you approach the situation?
  • What are the threads in JMeter?
  • Can you automate captchas?
  • In what cases would you require fluent waits?
  • In Selenium, how would you open a new tab?
  • In Jenkins, what is the purpose of a CRON expression?

𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 3 ( 𝐇𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 )

Role: DC Consultant
Package: 10 Lac
Updated on: 13.12.2024

Round 1 : (Technical )

  • What is Data Driven Framework ?
  • Scenario vs Scenario Outline in cucumber
  • Difference between xpath and css ?
  • What is Actions class in Selenium ?
  • How to right click on a button using selenium ?
  • What is difference between exception and error ?
  • Can you recover from error ?
  • Difference between array and arraylist
  • Does Arraylist allows duplicate values ?
  • Write Java code to insert an element in array.
  • Write Java code to remove duplicates from an array ?

Round 2 : (Technical )

  • What is Maven and What are its advantages ?
  • Difference between mvn clean,mvn verify ,mvn test
  • How will you execute your testNg file from pom.xml ?
  • What reports have you used in your framework
  • What is JavaScriptExecutor ?
  • How do you handle stale element exception ?
  • Can you develop a framework from scratch.?
  • Write Java code to print count of each character of a string.
  • Test cases vs Test Scenarios vs Epic difference.
  • what is Requirement Traceability Matrix ?

Round 3 : (HR)

  • Salary discussion.
  • Salary kitna loge discuss karlein ?
  • Selected and Joined.

Role: QA Automation Engineer
Experience: 4+ Years
Updated on: 13.12.2024

Round 1: Technical 1

  • Write a program to reverse a string without using built-in methods.
  • Implement a program to check if a string is a palindrome.
  • Why do you want to transition to or continue in automation testing?
  • Walk me through the automation framework you’ve built or worked on.

Round 2: Technical 2

Java Coding Questions:

  • Write a program to remove duplicates from an ArrayList.
  • Write a program to sort a Map by its values.

Exception Handling in Java:

  • What is the difference between Checked and Unchecked Exceptions?
  • Explain the concept of finally in exception handling with examples.
  • How do you handle exceptions in Selenium WebDriver?

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

  • What is the difference between Abstract Classes and Interfaces?
  • How is Inheritance implemented in your automation framework?
  • Explain Overloading and Overriding in Java with examples.
  • Have you used static methods in your project? When and why?

Selenium Automation:

  • How do you handle dynamic elements on a webpage?
  • Write the Selenium code to verify broken links on a webpage.
  • Explain the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit().

Handling Alerts and Pop-ups:

  • How will you handle JavaScript alerts using Selenium?
  • How do you switch between multiple windows or tabs in Selenium?

TestNG Framework:

  • What is the difference between @BeforeMethod and @BeforeClass in TestNG?
  • How do you prioritize test cases in TestNG?
  • How do you run multiple test suites in TestNG?

Jenkins and CI/CD:

  • What are Jenkins pipelines, and how do they work?
  • How do you integrate Jenkins with GitHub?

Regression and Smoke Testing:

  • How do you decide which test cases to include in smoke and regression testing?
  • What tools have you used for running regression suites in parallel?


  • Questions about cross-browser testing: What challenges have you faced and how did you solve them?
  • How do you manage test data in your automation framework?

How to Approach These Questions:

  • Coding Tasks: Focus on array, string, and collection-based problems on platforms like GeeksforGeeks and Codewars.
  • Framework Discussion: Highlight key components like Reporting (ExtentReports), Utilities, and integration with CI/CD tools.
  • Core Java Concepts: Make sure to connect theoretical knowledge with practical implementation in testing.

Location: Hyderabad
Updated on: 21.08.2024

  • Tell me about yourself and what are your current roles and responsibilities.
  • What is the Difference between close and quit?
  • WAP to double-click an element?
  • Can you automate a captcha?
  • What is the use of the selenium grid? Why does the use of the selenium grid?
  • Can Selenium handle the popup windows?
  • Write a code for right-click on the element.
  • Have you handled continuous Testing and CI/CD pipeline?
  • How to integrate your code with Jenkins

Location: Bangalore
Updated on: 07.08.2024

  • Explain STLC
  • Entry and exit criteria of your testing
  • Why do we smoke, and why do we do sanity testing
  • Explain your framework
  • Difference between TestNG and Cucumber
  • Why do we use Maven
  • How do you connect the Selenium framework with the Jenkins
  • How to merge two files in git. How to resolve merge conflicts
  • Provide me with a few annotations in TestNG; how do you use them in your framework?
  • How to disable certain scripts from running?
  • How would you prioritize running your scripts?
  • If you want to use 100 schedules together, how would you do that?
  • What are soft and hard assertions, and why do we use them?
  • Open MakeMyTrip and write XPath for a certain element.

Experience: 4.5 Years
Rounds: 1 Interview
Duration: 1 Hour
Updated on: 30.07.2024

  • Explain HashTable
  • Explain Hashmap
  • Explain Try catch Block
  • Explain TestNG (Parameter, Grouping, Priority, Listeners)
  • Explain Cucumber (BBD)
  • Explain About Apache POI
  • XPath Axes in Selenium
  • Setting up Chrome browser in Selenium code
  • Desired Capabilities
  • Parent classes of error and exceptions
  • List 10 exceptions and when they occurred
  • Alternate of system.setProperty
  • Selenium 3.0 and selenium 4.0 difference
  • Java new features
  • Java Interface
  • String concept
  • This and super
  • Constructor overloading
  • String Occurrence program

Experience: 4.5 Years
Rounds: 1 Interview
Duration: 1 Hour
Updated on: 30.07.2024

  • Self Introduction
  • OOP’s concept
  • Method overloading and method overriding
  • TestNG Parameterization
  • POM
  • @data Provider
  • @page Factory vs @Factory annotation
  • Authentication Vs Authorization
  • How to validate the response status code in the rest assured
  • String Occurrence
  • In a given string, Print separate characters, numbers,s, and special characters
  • In Jenkins, write the cron job for 8.30 AM

Company Name: Deloitte
Position: Automation Tester
Company Location: Bangalore
No Of Rounds: 3
Updated on: 30.04.2024

Technical 1

  • Common question( Intro+ project + framework architecture)
  • Data selection is in the calendar, and the Excel iteration is then sent to the values in the text box.
  • What are Idempotent methods? How is it relevant in the RESTful web services domain?
  • Based on these factors, you can decide which type of web services to use—SOAP or REST.
  • What is Payload in terms of RESTful web services?
  • What is the importance of API documentation in API automation testing?
  • Have you integrated automation testing into CI/CD pipelines before?
  • Explain PSVM and SYSOUT.
  • Jenkins and GIT
  • Basic selenium question and SQL

Technical 2

  • Common question(Intro)
  • Java(Collection Questions only)
  • Java Programming (Sort array in reverse order)
  • How do you handle maintenance and updates of automated test scripts?
  • Does the finally {} block always run?
  • Automate one page (Login-Add to cart Assert-logout-Reporting)

Managerial Round

  • Manual testing takes 10 minutes, whereas automation takes minutes to check functionality. What would be your preference? Why?
  • How comfortable are you with programming languages other than Java and Selenium?
  • How do we identify what can be automated?
  • Can you discuss a challenging automation project you’ve worked on and how you overcame obstacles?
  • How do you stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in automation testing?
  • Normal discussion about previous work? What do you like the most

Telephonic Interview Questions

Deloitte Automation Testing Interview Questions

Company Name: Deloitte
Position: Salesforce Tester
Company Location: Hyderabad
Experience: 4 Yrs
Shared By: Praveena
No Of Rounds: 2
Updated on: 03.10.2022


Overall, it was good. Most of the questions were scenario-based and experience-based. Two questions were situation-based.


1st Round:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • How many years of experience in Salesforce testing?
  • What are Profile and Role?
  • Can two users have the same Profile?
  • Can two Profiles have the same user?
  • What is SSO, and what is its use of it?
  • How do you rate yourself in Salesforce on a 10 or 5 scale?
  • Based on the answer to the above question, they asked me where I lack the remaining.
  • On which cloud have you worked?
  • How many objects were there in SF? Can you explain them?
  • What are Reports, and how many Reports are there in SF?
  • What are Permission Sets?
  • Can we assign two roles for a single user?
  • Can we delete a user in SF?
  • What custom objects have you used in your current project?
  • What are SDLC and STLC?
  • Which type of testing will be done first?
  • How good are you at SQL?
  • What are Joins and a few examples of JOINS?
  • Defect life cycle
  • Scenario: If a team has only two members and the US is deployed just two days before the end of the sprint, the resource will be absent. How will you manage the work?
  • What is the difference between Regression testing and Retesting?
  • When will you perform smoke, and when will you do Regression?
  • Will you do UAT?
  • Scrum Ceremonies?
  • What is your role in Scrum Planning?
  • What is a Retrospective meeting?
  • Apart from testing, what kind of activities will you perform?
  • What is RTM, and what kind of metrics will you be tracking?
  • Questions on Test management tools that I worked

2nd Round:

  • Overall experience(exactly)
  • Define Sales Process
  • Different kinds of defect stages
  • Did you handle a team? If so, what challenges did you face?
  • Do you know automation? If we put you in automation testing, can you do well?
  • We have different Clients working in different time zones. Will you be able to work late at night?

Thanks to Kunal Gir Goswamy for sharing these interview questions with us.

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