Test Cases For Shopping Websites In Excel Or Test Cases For E-commerce Websites In Excel: This post is related to the test cases required to test an e-commerce website. Checking an E-commerce website is itself a challenge as it includes many flows. To test an E-Commerce website, one must know about testing techniques and what E-commerce is.
If you want to refer to some of the Ecommerce websites, you can check the websites or applications like Amazon, Flipkart, Walmart, and many more.
Post On: | Test Cases For E-commerce Website In Excel |
Post Type: | Test Case Template |
Published On: | www.softwaretestingo.com |
Applicable For: | Freshers & Experience |
Below are some test cases that will help you better test E-Commerce Websites.
Test Cases For Ecommerce Website

General Test Cases For Ecommerce Website
- Check that users can navigate through all the products across different categories.
- Check that all the links redirect to the correct product/category pages and none are broken.
- Check that the company logo is visible.
- Ensure all the text – product, category name, price, and product description- is visible.
- Check that all the images are visible.
- Check that category pages have a relevant product explicitly listed for the category.
- Check that the correct count of total products is listed on the category pages.
Test Cases For Flipkart Website In Excel Of Login Page
- Check that there are proper validations on the Login Page.
- Check for an error message if the Email, password, or required field is blank.
- Check the validations on the Email and password.
- When you log in, check that you stay logged in as you browse products. Also, you need to test the behavior.
- When the user doesn’t interact with the site for some time, will the session expire after some time? Make sure the user has been logged out after the session times out.
- When you are logged in, log out and make sure you are logged out and that you cannot access any of the accounts pages.
Test Cases For Shopping Website In Excel – Home Page
- Check whether the home page should be displayed after a successful login.
- Check if the user name is displayed on the homepage or not.
- Check if the home page is in different browsers.
- Check if the products are displayed on the home page or not.
- Check if the search functionality is available on the home page or not.
- Check if products on the home page are clickable or not.
- Check the alignment on the home page.
- Check whether the products are displayed as categorized on the home page.
- Check if the user profile is available on the home page or not.
Test Cases For Ecommerce Website – Registration Page
- Check that all the required fields are present on the registration page.
- Check that the required/mandatory fields are marked with * against the field.
- Verify that for a better user interface, dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc., and fields are displayed wherever possible instead of just text boxes.
- Verify the page has both submit and cancel/reset buttons at the end.
- Check that by clicking the submit button after entering all the required fields, and the data is sent to the server.
- Check that clicking the cancel/reset button after entering all the required fields cancels the submit request and resets all the fields.
- Check that whenever possible, validation should take place on the client side.
- Check that not filling in the mandatory fields and clicking the submit button will lead to the validation error.
- Check that not filling in the optional fields and clicking the submit button will send data to the server without any validation error.
- Check the upper limit of the text boxes.
- Check validation on the date and email fields (only valid dates and valid email IDs should be allowed.
- Check validation on numeric fields by entering alphabets and special characters.
- Check that leading and trailing spaces are trimmed.
- Check that entering blank spaces on mandatory fields leads to a validation error.
Test Cases For Ecommerce Website – Address Book
- Check validations on the Address Book Page.
- Verify the Address entered by the customer.
- Check the Add New Address functionality.
- Check Change Address functionality.
- Check the availability of the product at the address entered by the customer.
Test Cases For Flipkart Website In Excel – Search Page
- Check that the products displayed are related to what was searched for.
- Check that the products should display an image, name, price, and maybe customer ratings and a number of reviews.
- Check the more relevant product for the search term is displayed on the top for a particular search term.
- Check that all items on the next page differ from the previous page, i.e., no duplicates.
- Check that when both sorts and filters have been applied, they remain as we paginate or more products are loaded.
- Check that the count of products is correctly displayed on the search result page for a particular search term.
- Check that filtering functionality correctly filters products based on the filter applied.
- Check that filtering works correctly on category pages.
- Check that filtering works correctly on the search result page.
- Check that the correct count of total products is displayed after applying a filter.
- Check that all the sort options work correctly – sort the products based on the sort option.
- Check that sorting works correctly on the category pages.
- Check that sorting works correctly on the search result page.
- After applying filters, check that sorting works correctly on the pages containing the filtered result.
- Check that the product count remains intact irrespective of the sorting option applied.
Test Cases For Wishlist Page
- Verify that the added product is present on the wishlist page.
- Check that the Update of the wishlist is working correctly.
- Check the Share Wishlist functionality.
- Check that users can add products to the cart from the wishlist page.
Test Cases For Product Detail Page
- Users should be able to select the desired attributes of the product-on-product page, such as size, color, etc.
- Adding a product to the cart should be possible.
- Checking whether users can add a product to the wish list.
- Users should be able to buy the product added to the cart once the user is signed in.
- Customers shouldn’t be able to add products to the cart when it is out of inventory.
- All the products added to the cart should be purchasable by the user.
- Verify that an error message is displayed on the UI when there is a limit on the products that can be purchased.
- The error message should be displayed on the UI when shipping to the delivery location is unavailable.
- All the payment methods should be displayed, and all methods should work correctly.
- Ensure email gets triggered to the email address or mobile number when the customer buys a product.
Add To Cart Test Cases In Excel
- Check that the user can add products to the cart.
- Check that the cart is updated with the product’s name, image, and price.
- Check that the user can add the same product multiple times.
- Check that the price increases accordingly when a product is added multiple times.
- Check that the user can add multiple products of different types.
- A corresponding name, image, price, and total price are shown for each item added.
- Check that when a product is removed from the cart, the cart gets updated and shows the actual items in the cart and the total price according to the products left in the cart.
- Check that when all the products are removed from the cart, the cart balance becomes zero, and no items should be displayed in the cart.
- Check that customers should be able to see more about the product when clicking on it either as a popup or a redirect to the product page.
- When a user adds products to the cart and then closes the tab, ideally, the cart should still hold your items, or it mainly depends on the requirements of how the cart should behave.
- Check that the cart’s price is discounted when we apply a coupon and not when using an invalid or expired one.
Test Cases For Order History Page
- Check whether the order history should be displayed on the My Order page.
- Check if the user can change the order or not.
- Check if the user can cancel the order or not.
- Check if the user can track his order or not.
- Check if the user can return his order or not.
Product Buy Flow Test Cases
- Check that on the product page. A user can select the desired attribute of the product, e.g., size, color, etc.
- Check that the user can add one or more products to the cart.
- Check that the user can add products to the wish list.
- Check that users can buy products added to the cart after signing in to the application (or as per the website’s functionality).
- Check that the user can successfully buy more than one product that was added to his/her cart.
- Check that the limit to the number of products a user can buy works correctly by displaying an error message and preventing the user from buying more than the threshold.
- Check the availability of products at desired locations.
- Check that the Cash on the Delivery option of payment is working fine.
- Verify that the different pre-paid methods of payment are working fine.
- Check that the product return functionality works fine.
- Check that the Cancel Order option is present.
Payment Page Test Cases
- The product is purchased successfully after filling in the shipping address and payment.
- Check that Different payment types are present, e.g., Credit Card, PayPal, Bank Transfers, Installments, etc.
- Check the security of the client’s card details when entering for payment.
Seller – Product creation Test Cases
- Check that authenticated sellers get access to product creation panels specific to the authorized categories.
- Check that product creation is working fine for single product creation.
- Check that product creation is working fine for multiple product creations.
- Check that the maximum product creation limit for the seller works fine, limiting the seller to creating more than the desired number of products.
- Check validation for checking mandatory fields.
- Check that duplicate product creation is restricted.
- Check that the seller can update the information and price of existing products.
- Check that products created by sellers become visible on the website after a specific period.
- Check that updates made by the seller are visible on the website after the specific period.
Test Cases For Online Shopping Website Post-Purchase Page
- Check that customers can cancel the order or change the order quantity.
- Check that customers can Review recent orders and the history of purchased items.
- Check that customers can Change information, such as billing address and shipping address, change password, change profile information, such as name and email address, and even delete an account.
Test Cases For Shopping Website In Excel – Payment Gateway Feature
- Verify that the product price shipping charges and VAT are correct. VAT and shipping charges should be correctly applied.
- Confirm VAT varies based on the number of products in the cart.
- Verify all payment methods, such as net banking, credit/debit card, and PayPal, are correctly working using dummy numbers for testing.
- Ensure payment is refunded to the customer when a product is canceled based on payment ID.
- Ensure the emails and invoices are sent to the customer after the user purchases a product.
- Verify emails are sent to the customer when the payment is successfully refunded to the user.
Test Cases For Flipkart Website In Excel – Shopping Cart
- Users should be able to add a product to the cart.
- Item count should be incremented when the user adds the same product again.
- Taxes should be applied according to the delivery location.
- Users should be able to add items to the cart.
- Users should be able to update items in the cart.
- Checkout should happen successfully for the items added to the cart.
- Shipping costs for different products are added to the cart.
- Coupons should be applied successfully to the cart.
- The cart should retain the items even when the app is closed.
Test Case For Ecommerce Website – Post Order Page
- Email and order ID should be sent after the placement of the order.
- Users should be able to cancel the order.
- There should be a facility for users to track the order.
- Users should be able to return/replace the product post-delivery.
You can validate the above on various types of ecommerce websites test cases for Amazon website, test cases for Amazon website, Flipkart test cases, test cases for home page, shoppersstack, and dummy website for testing.
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Hi ..
Can I have a copy of the eCommerce website test case template ?
Plese give me a excel sheet
Please Give Me a Excel Sheet
Please Give Me a Excel Sheet
Plese give me a excel sheet
Plese give me a excel sheet.
Plese give me a excel sheet.
Where is excel sheet?
Thak You!! every thing I found on one site…
please can I have a template of the eCommerce test case?
please share tool use to test the website. If it is excel please share a copy of the same
viveknaik2006 at gmail.com
Hi, please can i have an exel sheet of e commerce test cases?
sir i am glad ti know you are solw my problem thanku sir thanku verry much
Pls share me the Excel sheet of eCommerce website
We will try to share in excel