GitHub / Git Tutorial For Beginners

GitHub / Git Tutorial For Beginners: Git is a free tool that helps people work together on software projects. It can handle small to big projects quickly. Many software developers and testers use Git to manage their projects and work with others.

Git can be tricky to learn at first, but once you understand it, your work becomes faster and more organized. It helps keep your project tidy and easy to handle.

Starting with Git might feel tough, but with the right help, you can learn the basics quickly. This guide will introduce you to Git, from installing it to using branches and combining code changes.

Post On:GitHub / Git Tutorial For Beginners
Post Type:GIT Tutorials
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience

Git Tutorial For Beginners

Throughout the tutorial, you will learn about the main ideas and features of Git, like creating and managing repositories, saving changes, branching, merging, and more. You’ll also learn how to use Git in real-life situations, such as working with other developers, using online repositories, and solving conflicts.

The tutorial is set up in a step-by-step way, so you can easily follow along and practice. It’s good for beginners, experienced developers, and testers, and the information is presented in a simple language that is easy to understand.

Whether you’re a software developer or tester looking to improve your skills or just someone curious about Git, this tutorial is a great place to start. By the end, you’ll have a good understanding of how Git works and be able to use it to manage your projects better. 


Git is a great tool for teamwork on projects. It helps people keep track of changes in files or projects, making the work faster and more organized.

Git Set Up

If you’re looking for a tool to help you manage your work, Git is a great choice. It’s easy to install and use, and you can choose between using it with simple commands or with a visual interface.

Quick Start with Git Repository

If you’re just starting with Git, don’t worry—it’s easy to learn. Before you begin a project, there’s some setup to do. Luckily, Git Help is always available if you need assistance. Using a Git repository means all your project files will be kept in one place.

Set Default Credentials Git Config
Dot Git Folder in Git
Set Up Notepad++ for Git Bash
Create a new Git Repository

Stage and Commit Changes

If you’re having trouble with Git, remember that it follows a set process. To save your changes, you need to add them to a special area called the staging area. Make sure your commit messages are clear, so Git knows what changes to save.

Alter Files in Git
Add and track changes to Staging.
First Commit In Git
Writing Good Commit Messages

Inspecting & Tracking Changes

Git has many topics that make it powerful. Learning about these topics helps you use Git better and makes it easier to explore everything it can do.

Interacting with GitHub

GitHub is a great place for developers to work together and turn their ideas into reality. When you use Git and GitHub together, they help you finish your projects quickly and easily. Working with these two tools gives you everything you need to be successful.

SSH Protocol

SSH is a cryptographic network protocol that helps you communicate safely over the internet. More and more people are using SSH now. You can use it to log in to another computer or control it from far away.

SSH Protocol in Git
SSH Authentication in Git
Clone Repository Using SSH in Git

Interaction with Remote Repository

Branches in Git

Branches are the heart and soul of Git! Their efficiency makes Git stand out from other version control systems. Branches help us develop features without affecting the entire codebase. They’re the main reason why Git is so powerful. So play around with branches in as many ways as you can!

GIT Tags

Tags are reference points that indicate specific moments in a Git repository’s history. Tagging often signifies a particular commit corresponding to a versioned release (e.g., v1.0.1). In essence, a tag functions like an unchangeable branch – once it has been created, there is no further commit history associated with the tag.

GitHub Tags


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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

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