QSpiders Interview Questions

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  • www.qspiders.com
  • Bangalore, Karnataka
  • 201-500 employees
  • 2003
  • Software Development

Qspiders Mock Java sample interview questions and answers pdf students freshers: In This post, we will share some of the Qspiders Mock interview questions with you, which may help you get an idea about the questions you may face during the interviews.

Kindly go through the below Qspiders questions and prepare the answers to those questions. Please share those answers with us so we can update them here and others benefit from those questions and answers.

Post On:QSpiders Interview Questions
Post Type:Interview Questions
Published On:www.softwaretestingo.com
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
Get Updates:Software Testingo Telegram Group

We have already shared the Mock interview questions for Selenium, and if you have any such questions, you can share them with us. We will try to share more Qspiders interview questions with you guys in that time frame. If you have any other interview questions, then you can share them with us.

QSpiders Pune Deccan Gymkhana Interview Questions on Software Testing

  • What is the structure of a test life cycle?
  • What is the difference between error, bug, and defect?
  • What does “review” mean?
  • In case of defects in the software, how do you define the priority and severity?
  • How can you make use of quality control? Draw differences between Quality assurance (QA) and quality control. (QC)
  • What is equivalence class partitioning?
  • Explain the difference between usability and functional defects. Give an example to clarify the answer further.
  • What is the importance of drivers and stubs in testing?
  • What is the difference between debugging and testing? Explain in detail.
  • What is ad-hoc testing?
  • What is alpha testing?
  • What is the beta testing?
  • What is Component Testing?
  • What is the compatibility test?
  • What are data-driven tests?
  • What are the concurrencies testing?
  • What is the Conformance Testing?
  • What is Context Driven Testing?
  • What is the conversion test?
  • What is the depth test?
  • What is dynamic testing?
  • What is end-to-end testing?
  • What is installation testing?
  • What is a comprehensive test?
  • What is localization testing?
  • What is the test loop?
  • What is mutation testing?
  • What is the positive test?
  • What is monkey testing (or gorilla testing)?
  • What is negative testing?
  • What is the test run?
  • What is the recovery test?
  • What is regression testing?
  • What is a defect report?
  • What is the stress test?
  • What is sanity testing?
  • What is the smoke test?
  • What is volume testing?
  • What is usability testing?
  • What is scalability testing?
  • What is user acceptance testing or UAT?
  • How do you test a web application?
  • Explain in detail what integration testing is.
  • What is the pilot project?
  • Explain in detail, with an example, the boundary value analysis
  • What do you write in a test plan?
  • What is risk analysis? Explain in detail.
  • What is a test plan used in your project?
  • Draw differences between Web application testing and client-server testing.
  • Can you explain the V model in manual testing?
  • What is the waterfall model in manual testing?
  • What is the purpose of manual testing for a background process that does not have a user interface, and how do you go about it?
  • Explain what an example test case and bug reports are.
  • How does one review a test case, and what types are available?
  • What is UAT?
  • What is the compatibility test?
  • What is debugging?
  • What is the fishbone diagram?
  • What is the test report?
  • Explain in detail the difference between smoke and sanity testing.
  • What is the difference between usability testing and graphical user interface testing?
  • What is the test case life cycle?
  • What is the difference between the test scenarios and the test strategy?
  • When testing the decision table used?
  • What are the benefits of the independence of the test?
  • In the agile model, what are the different analysis methodologies used?
  • What is the main objective of reviewing a program delivery?
  • What is the functional test of the system? Explain in detail.

Qspiders Common Java Mock Interview Questions

Date: 22/05/2019(Monday)
Venue: Bull Temple Main Building [Qspiders]

Pattern: Four Theoretical Questions with One Program(Mandatory)
Note 1: Only the theoretical questions below will be asked.
Note 2: Only the Below Programs will be asked

Section 1: Theoretical Questions [Qspiders]

  • What is JDK?
  • Which is the latest version of Java?
  • What is the Advantage of Java?
  • Javac and Java commands are available in which folder?
  • What is the signature of the main method?
  • What is the keyword? List some keywords
  • What is an identifier?
  • What are literals?
  • Explain how Java is a Platform Independent Programming Language.
  • What is JRE?
  • What is a Variable?
  • List all the primitive data types in Java
  • What are the primitive variables?
  • What are Reference Variables?
  • What is String in Java?
  • What is a method, and Why Methods?
  • Explain the General Syntax to design a method.
  • What is Method Overloading? And Why Method Overloading? Give an Example
  • What is a class?
  • What are the members?
  • List out the differences between static and non-static members.
  • What is an Object?
  • What are Global variables?
  • How can you access the static global variable of a class?
  • How can you access non-static global variables of a class
  • What will be the default value for global variables?
  • What will be the default value for reference variables?
  • What is the default value for the boolean variable?
  • What are the differences between local and global variables?
  • Can we Develop a method w/o a return type?
  • What is a constructor, and Why a Constructor?
  • What is a default constructor?
  • Why should the Programmer develop Constructors?
  • What are the two types of constructors?
  • What is Constructor Overloading, and Why? Give an Example
  • What is this() calling statement, and Why is this() calling statement? Give an Example
  • What is Recursion?
  • Is it possible to achieve Recursion using Constructors?
  • Can you override a private or static method in Java?
  • What are multiple inheritances? Does Java support it?
  • What is the association?
  • What do you mean by aggregation?
  • What is the composition in Java?
  • Explain JDK, JRE, and JVM.
  • Explain public static void main(String args[])
  • What are wrapper classes?
  • What is a singleton class, and how can we make a class singleton?
  • What is the difference between the Array list and vector?
  • What is the difference between equals() and = =?
  • What are the differences between Heap and Stack Memory?
  • What is runtime polymorphism or dynamic method dispatch?
  • What are method overloading and method overriding?
  • Can you override a private or static method in Java?
  • What is the composition in Java?
  • What is the difference between an Error and an Exception?
  • How can you handle Java exceptions?
  • What are the differences between a Checked Exception and an Unchecked Exception?
  • What purpose do the keywords final, finally, and finalize fulfil?
  • What are the differences between throw and throws?
  • What is the exception hierarchy in Java?
  • How to create a custom Exception?
  • What are the important methods of Java Exception Class?
  • What are the differences between processes and threads?
  • What is a finally block? Is there a case when it finally will not execute?
  • What is synchronization?
  • Can we write multiple catch blocks under a single try block?
  • What are the important methods of Java Exception Class?
  • What is the difference between an Array and an ArrayList?
  • What is the difference between String, String Builder, and String Buffer?
  • Difference between HashMap and HashTable.
  • What is the difference between HashSet and TreeSet?
  • Difference between Abstract class and Interface.
  • What is meant by Collections in Java?
  • What are all the Classes and Interfaces that are available in the collections?

Section 2: Programmatic Questions

  • Write a Java Program to demonstrate the Method and its usage
  • Write a Java Program to demonstrate the use of the method of Overloading
  • Write a Java Program to print the first 30 Odd Numbers.
  • Write a Java Program to print the first 30 Even Numbers.
  • Write a Java Program to check whether a given number is divisible by five or not.
  • Write a Java Program to Find the Sum of digits of a given Number
  • Write a Java Program to Check whether a given number is Amstrong.

Qspiders Mock Interview Questions

  • Mention all the primitive data types in Java
  • What is the method?
  • General Syntax for a method?
  • What are static members?
  • What are non-static members?
  • How can you declare constant variables in Java?
  • Can we declare a final global variable and use it without initializing it?
  • What is SIB?
  • When do SIBs get Executed?
  • How many times SIB’s will be executed in one execution cycle?
  • What is an IIB?
  • When IIB’s will be executed?
  • How many times IIB’s will be executed in one execution cycle?
  • What does a method’s return type signify?
  • What are call by value and call by reference?
  • What is a constructor?
  • What are the two types of constructors?
  • What is a default constructor?
  • What is this() calling statement?
  • What is Recursion?
  • Recursion while constructor overloading will result in compile time or run time error
  • What is “this” keyword?
  • What is the instance variable hiding?
  • What is the use of this Keyword?
  • What is Inheritance?
  • What are the different types of inheritance?
  • What is an extends Keyword?
  • Does Java support multiple inheritances?
  • What is the Diamond Problem?
  • Why Doesn’t Java support Multiple inheritances?
  • What is a super() calling statement?
  • What is the “super” keyword?
  • What is the difference between super() calling and this() calling statement?
  • What is the difference between “super” and “this” keyword?
  • What is Method Overriding?
  • Can we Override static methods?
  • What is an abstract method?
  • What is an abstract class?
  • Can we instantiate an abstract class?
  • What is the rule to be followed by the subclass of an abstract class
  • Can an abstract class inherit another abstract class
  • Is abstract class 100% abstract? Explain
  • What is an interface?
  • What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface?
  • Does the abstract class have constructors? If Yes, Why?
  • Do interfaces have constructors?
  • Can we instantiate an interface?
  • What is the implement keyword?
  • Can an interface inherit from another interface?
  • What is casting?
  • What is primitive casting?
  • What are Widening and Explicit Narrowing?
  • What is derived or Object casting?
  • What are Auto Upcasting and Explicit Downcasting?
  • Can we Achieve Object casting Without inheritance?
  • Can we achieve downcasting without upcasting?
  • What is polymorphism?
  • Explain the different types of polymorphism.
  • What is abstraction?
  • What are the packages?
  • Why Packages?
  • What are the different access levels in Java? Explain
  • What is SingleTon class?
  • What is encapsulation?
  • Which is the super most class for all the classes in Java?
  • Explain “toString()” of Object class
  • Explain “hashCode()” of Object class
  • Explain “equals()” of Object class
  • Can a subclass override all these above methods?
  • What is the final method in Java?
  • What is the final class in Java?
  • What is the use of the finalize() method in Java?
  • What is the use of the clone() method?
  • What is a marker interface? Explain and mention at least two available marker interface
  • Strings are immutable in Java. Justify
  • Can we have inherited the String class? Justify
  • Explain the behavior of toString(),hashCode() and equals() method of String class
  • What is a String constant pool and a non-constant pool?
  • What are arrays?
  • What is a primitive array?
  • What is a derived array?
  • What are Boxing and Unboxing?
  • What are the Wrapper classes?
  • What is a collection API/Framework?
  • Explain the List type of collection.
  • Explain the Set Type of the collection.
  • Explain the Queue Type of collection.
  • List the differences between List, Set, and Queue types of collections.
  • What are the exceptions?
  • How to handle an exception?
  • What has checked exceptions?
  • What are unchecked exceptions?
  • Different ways of handling checked exceptions?
  • What is the difference between final, finalize() and finally in Java
  • How to Write the data into a text file?
  • How to read data from a text file?
  • What is the use of the Scanner class in Java?
  • How to read the String from the console?
  • What are Threads?
  • What is the use of the sleep() method in Threads?
  • Explain the wait(), notify() and notifyAll() methods of the Object class.
  • Can we Override the wait(), notify() and notifyAll() methods of the Object class in the sub-classes?
  • Can we develop final methods in an interface?
  • Can we develop a final abstract class?
  • Can we develop a static method in the abstract class?
  • Can we declare a variable in the interface without initializing it?

Java Interview Questions For 2 to 5 Yr Experience Testers

Below are some Qspiders interview questions specifically for experienced testers of 2 to 5 years. I hope following these Qspiders interview questions will help you get the overall question ideas.

  • What is the OOP concept or opp principle?
  • What is an interface, and Why an interface?
  • What is an abstract class??
  • What is the difference between abstract class and interface and concrete class(normal class)
  • Why Abstract class??
  • What is polymorphism?
  • What is overloading and overriding?
  • Explain static and nonstatic members.
  • What is the difference b/w final, finalize, and finally?
  • What is the difference between equals and == operator
  • What is the difference b/w String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder?
  • What is difference b/w String s=new String(),String s=””;
  • How to handle Exception in Java?
  • What is try, catch, and finally?
  • What are throw and throws?
  • What is Collection?
  • What is a List?
  • What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList?
  • What is the difference between List, Set, Map
  • What is the difference b/w Vector and ArrayList?
  • What is the difference between HashMap and Hashtable
  • What is the difference between Collection and Array?
  • Why Collection, and where did you use Collection in Selenium?
  • What is difference b/w HashSet and LinkedHashSet
  • What is an Iterator in Java?
  • What is the Difference b/w Listiterator and Iterator?
  • What is the default capacity of ArrayList and Hashtable?
  • What is the difference between a Constructor and a Method
  • What is the difference between this and Super in Java?
  • How to Sort employee class using Comparator?
  • What is the supermost class in Java, and explain all methods of a superclass?
  • Does Java support multiple inheritances?
  • What is abstraction?
  • What is encapsulation?
  • Can we override the static method or the main method?
  • What is the method hiding?
  • What is the difference b/w comparable and comparator?
  • What is Treeset?
  • What is a Dictionary in Java?

If we missed any Qspiders interview questions, then you can inform us by commenting on the comment section.

About QSpiders Company

QSpiders is India’s No.1 software testing training institute to bridge the gap between industry requirements and educational institutions’ curricula and meet the ever-increasing demand for Quality IT professionals. The institute is designed to work as a ‘Finishing School’ and is moulded with several ‘Campus to Corporate’ modules.

At QSpiders, our mantra is “Quality,” and this is reflected in the way we train, in the way we function, and more so in our name –QSpiders. Our journey began in 2003, intending to provide quality training to all aspiring for a successful career in the IT industry. With a humble start in a non-commercial venue, we sought out sincere candidates and helped them fulfil their dreams. This venture later grew due to the high quality provided by QSpiders, which resulted in a list of worthy students and clients.

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