Restful Web Services Interview Questions: Restful Web Services are widely used to build web-based applications that communicate with each other through APIs. These APIs are built using REST (Representational State Transfer) principles, enabling different systems to communicate using standard HTTP methods and data formats such as JSON, XML, or others. As Restful Web Services have become an essential skill in modern software engineering, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of the underlying concepts and principles.
During a Restful Web Services job interview, hiring managers may ask several questions to assess a candidate’s proficiency and experience in Restful Web Services development. This article will cover some common Restful Web Services interview questions that can help you prepare for your upcoming interview.
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Rest web services interview questions
What are web services?
Web services are a convenient way to exchange data between applications (Client and server) with the use of an XML messaging system. By using open protocols and standards, web services make it easy for applications to communicate with each other.
How many types of web services are available?
There are mainly two types of web services:

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Web Services: It runs on the SOAP protocol, which is a transport-independent messaging protocol that transfers messages using XML technology.
RESTful (Representational State Transfer) Web Services: It’s a modern web architecture that relies on HTTP/HTTPS for seamless communication. REST is an innovative style of architecture that makes use of resources and URIs to provide an efficient and scalable way to develop web services. With its use of GET / POST methods, clients can interact with RESTful web services in a variety of ways.
What is the most important feature of a web service?
Below, we have noted some of the important features of web services:
- It uses the standardized XML messaging system to transfer messages.
- It is not specific to any programming language, not an operating system.
- Discoverable via a simple find mechanism.
- This can be used on the internet or in between the private network.
- Also supports loosely coupled connections between systems.
- Can be synchronous or asynchronous.
- By using web services, we can communicate with various apps like SOAP, WSDL, HTML, XML, etc.
- Web Services supports RPC (Remote Procedure Calls).
What is a web service? How does it work?
A web service can help various applications communicate with each other by using open standards such as HTML, XML, WSDL, and SOAP. Web services are designed to work with the client-server model, where client applications can access web services over the network.
By using web services, you can expose endpoint URLs and methods that can be accessed over the network through different technologies, such as Java, .Net, shell scripts or PHP, etc. Unlike web applications, web services are stateless and don’t maintain user sessions.
What are the components of web services?
In web services, we can use various components like those given below:
- SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
- UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration)
- WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
- RDF (Resource Description Framework)
- XML (Extensible Markup Language)
What are the main techniques and tools used for Web services?
There are lots of tools available in the market to test Web Services in an efficient manner. but below, we have mentioned the top online tools for web services testing:
- SoapUI
- Katalon Studio
- Poster
- Postman
- REST client
- JMeter
What is WSDL, and how does it work?
WSDL (Web Services Description Language) is an XML-based document that provides information about a web service. This document includes information such as the method name, port types, service endpoint, binding, and method parameters.
What is XML-RPC?
RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call. It is a method used to call a procedure or function available on any remote computer on the web.
XML-RPC is a great way to connect different environments and computers using XML messaging. It’s a simple protocol that makes it easy to perform RPCs, and it’s an excellent tool for connecting a wide variety of computers.
What are the features of XML-RPC?
Here are some important features of XML-RPC:
- It allows you to communicate with different applications.
- Platform independent
- XML-RPC is the simplest and easiest way to get started with web services
- Uses XML to encode its calls and HTTP as the transport protocol.
What do you mean by UDDI?
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) is a directory service that helps describe, publish, and find web services. It can also be used to create business registries. UDDI is based on a set of web standards, including HTTP, XML, SOAP, WSDL, and XML Schema. The main goal of UDDI is to streamline digital transactions and e-commerce among company systems.
What are the benefits of UDDI?
- UDDI uses WSDL to describe interfaces to web services.
- UDDI is platform-independent.
- Can communicate through SOAP, Java RMI, and CORBA Protocol
- Neutral in terms of protocols.
What are the three roles of web service?
Web service architecture involves three roles: service provider, service requester, and service registry. The interaction between these roles uses three operations: publish, find, and bind. These operations act on web service artifacts.
What is a Web Service Provider?
Web services providers provide access to client applications that want to use them. They are created and hosted on a web service platform, which makes them available on the Internet. In simple terms, a web service is a platform that creates and hosts web services.
What is a service requester in web services?
The web service requestor is the application that initiates or starts an interaction with a service. The browser plays the requester role, driven by a consumer or a program without a user interface. Service requestors find service and obtain binding information for services during development.
What is the use of a web service registry?
If you’re looking for a web service, the web service registry is a great place to start. It’s basically like a phone book—it lists all of the available services and makes it easy for client applications to find them. Most application servers support two widely used registry standards: ebXML and UDDI.
What is meant by RESTful web services?
RESTful web services are based on the REST architecture, in which everything is a resource. These web services are lightweight, highly scalable, and maintainable and are often used to create APIs for web-based applications.
What are the advantages of RESTful web services?
With the RESTful web service, we are getting lots of benefits, but here we are sharing some of the advantages:
- RESTful web services are simple and easy to implement and test.
- Platform independent
- RESTful web service supports multiple formats like XML, JSON, HTML, etc.
- You can write using different programming languages, and you can execute on any platform.
- Lightweight, manageable, scalable, and reusable.
- As per the performance, it is faster than others.
- It can consume fewer resources and bandwidth.
- Lots of automation frameworks are available.
What are the HTTP methods used in RESTful web services?
Below are some of the important HTTP methods, which can be used with RESTful web services include:
- GET: By using this method you get and read a resource.
- POST: You can use it to create a new resource.
- PUT: You can use it to update an existing resource.
- DELETE: By using this method, you can delete the resource.
- PATCH: This method can be used to apply partial modifications to a resource.
What are the status codes in REST API?
During validating a Web Service API we are getting so many status codes, But, Out of those we have shared very common status codes like:
- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 202 Accepted
- 302 Found
- 400 Bad Request
- 401 Unauthorized
- 404 Not Found
- 405 Method Not Allowed
- 409 Conflict
- 500 Internal Server Error
What are SOAP web services and Advantages?
SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. It is a way to access web services using XML. SOAP is a W3C recommendation for communication between two applications.
- This is a platform and language independent. that means you can write by using different programming languages or any operating system.
- It helps in data transport for web services.
- You can extend HTTP for XML messaging.
- SOAP web services, defines and uses its own WS security.
- Its easy to debug and eliminate firewall issues.
Why is SOA used?
SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is an architectural approach that facilitates service orientation. It enables services to communicate or interact across different platforms and languages to form applications. Applications in SOA are developed on the basis of services. It can be easily implemented using different protocols such as HTTP, JMS, HTTPS, RPC, RMI, etc.
What are the advantages of implementing an SOA using Web services?
The advantages of using SOA is:
- It is easy to integrate.
- The services are platform-independent.
- By Using SOA, we can manage the complexity. So that integration becomes more manageable.
- When it comes to testing and debugging it becomes easier.
- By using this we can make it available to any requester.
What kind of security is needed for web services?
The three primary security issues of web services include:
- Confidentiality
- Authentication
- Network Security
What is SOAP simple words?
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a message protocol that allows distributed elements of an application to communicate. By using SOAP, different parts of an application can communicate with each other regardless of location or platform.
What are the advantages of SOAP web services?
Out of so many advantages of SOAP web services, below we are tried to mention some of them:
- Language Independent – You can write the SOAP web services in any programming language.
- Platform Independent – SOAP web services can be executed on any platform.
- WS Security – SOAP defines its security known as WS Security.
What are the disadvantages of SOAP web services?
Below are the disadvantages of SOAP web services:
- SOAP web services are not supported lightweight formats like JSON. It only supports XML protocol.
- In SOAP web services the coupling between client and server applications is tight coupling because it is based on the contract.
- SOAP is slow as compared to other web services because in SOAP the payloads are large for a simple string message and also it uses XML format.
- If any change happens in the server-side contract then on the client-side we need to generate the stub classes again.
- We can not test the SOAP web services in the browser easily.
What is the importance of the interoperability of web services?
The goal of interoperability for Web services is to make it so that developers using those services don’t have to worry about which programming language or operating system the services are hosted on.
Restful Web Services Interview Questions
I Hope the above Restful API Web Services interview questions that we have shared in this post will give an idea of the main rest API interview questions you may face during an interview for both experienced and freshers testers.
If you face other restful interview questions, you can comment in the comment section, and we will update the list. For more updates, you can join our SoftwareTestingo telegram group, where we regularly share testing Job updates and other updates.
GET − Provides read-only access to a resource.
PUT − Used to create a new resource.
DELETE − Used to remove a resource.
POST − Used to update an existing resource or create a new resource.
OPTIONS − Used to get the supported operations on a resource.
please check this info is correct or not
PUT -Used to update an existing resource or create a new resource.\
POST- Used to create a new resource.
Thanks For those interviewss Questions