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Publicis Sapient Interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.
Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Sapient Publicis interview questions and answers.
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We have tried to share some of the manual testing interview questions, selenium interview questions, and testing interview questions, but we recommend spending some quality time getting comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Publicis Sapient interview.
Still, we need your love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So please share your recent interview questions and experience with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at
Publicis Sapient Automation Interview Questions
Position: Automation Test Engineer
Company Location: Bangalore
Experience: 4+ Years
Updated on: 27.03.2025
Round 1
Mode: Virtual
Duration: 1 hr
Level: Easy (Focusing on Basic knowledge on Core Java, Programming, Selenium and API testing)
- Explain object-oriented programming (OOPS) concepts in depth.
- Two core java output based questions (a)- static keyword used (b) ++ operator based
- In given string found the count of each character and replace it whenever its duplicate
Input = “Automation”
Output= “2u22m22i2n” - Write all the git commands you have used in the project?
- Have you configure Jenkins pipeline and how to trigger it daily at night at particular time?
- What is string constant pool? Why string is immutable?
- What is serialization and deserialization concept?
- Different types of Inheritance in java? What is Multilevel Inheritance?
- TestNG annotations.
- What are listeners in TestNg? how u have used in the Script?
- Which framework you have used and how you are using testdata in the script?
- Which design pattarn have u used in your script?
- What is JVM? Difference between JVM, JRE and JDK?
- What is Exception handling in Java and its types and how u handling Exceptions in the project?
- Diffrence between find element and find elements in Selenium?
- What is return type of getwindowhandles method in selenium?
Round 2
Mode: Face to Face
Duration: 1 hr
Level: Medium (Focus was in depth knowledge on Framework design, Selenium, RestAssured and asked to write pseudo code on each concept)
- Given one scenario to find the text from xpath and write code for it?
Open hdfc bank website-> mousehover Login button-> click on login button->click on know more->Capture all the language text. - How you are validating Json schema in the project? write down code for it?
- Given one Json and asked to Create the post request and write code to fetch all the cities for which temp is greater than 40.
- What are different authentication Schemes? difference between 401 and 403 authentication request?
- What are selenium 4 features and selenium webdriver architecture?
- Difference between Rest and Soap and Rest web service architecture?
- How we do execution using selenium grid? why do we use selenium Grid?
- What are Listners in TestNg and how you are implementing it?
- Why we use data providers in TestNg? write down the code?
- How we do parallel Execution in TestNg? why we pass test name in TestNg.xml?
- What keywords you are using in cucumber? how Selenium picks cucumber file? syntax of Testrunner file? what does dryrun = true does?
- What is STLC life cycle?
- What is Test Planning? difference between Test panning and Teststrategy?
- What is Test grooming? what are agile ceremonies?
- Have you worked any cloud technology in your project like AWS, Azure?
Round 3
- HR discussion
Source: LinkedIn Posts
Position: Test Engineer
Interview Mode: Virtual
Company Location: Bangalore
Updated on: 25.06.2024
- Explain TestNG Architecture
- What is the Return type of isDisplayed()?
- Explain WebDriver Architecture
- How do you handle exceptions?
- Webdriver is a class or interface
- What is the difference between interface and abstract class?
- Have you worked on Collections? Explain
- Explain the oops concept used in the framework
- How do you read the config file?
- Use of ArrayList
- Explain the Set and Map
- Write XPath (website provided)
- Challenges faced while doing automation
- Project Object Model?
- Return type of findElements?
- Synchronization in selenium
- How do you iterate, find elements or check multiple checkboxes
- Try catch and finally, related question
- Use of groups in TestNG.
- Parallel testing How to run?
- GitHub commands
- What is Page Factory?
- Can we write parent exception before chil
Source: Telegram Group
Company Name: Publicis Sapient
Position: Manager QE Automation Testing
Experience: 12 Years
Company Location: Bangalore
Updated on: 05.06.2024
- Introduction
- Screen share and open their pair programming link
- Write a Java program to get an integer input n (runtime), print a random string of length n and use the OOPS concept(After coding, explain what oops concepts you used)
- Java program – Given a String “This is my framework”, use a collection and store each word separately like “This”, “is”, “my”, “framework”, and explain why you used that collection – I used HashMap
- Open Amazon, go to the Products page, that had 24 products – Write a selenium code with dynamic Xpath that will fetch the records dynamically, check if the product is displayed and click on a specific product
- Write a RestAssured code for Post request and validate the response field
- Write code for method overloading and method overriding.
- She was asked to write the code to implement custom/user-defined exceptions.
- WAP will shift 0 at the end of the given integer array. Eg; {0,4,0,1,0,4,7,8}
- Asked to write command for passing value using command prompt to pom.xml
- Asked to write the end-to-end flow in the framework from the test script layer to the page layer to the base layer.
- Explain Jenkins configuration and ask to write the cron pattern
- how to resolve git conflicts,
- how to pass parameters using TestNG annotation Parameters, and how to write the XML format and code in Test.
- WAP to find input = “Tomorrow”, Output= “T&m&&rr&&&w”
- WAP to find input={100=”java”,101=”hello”,102=”apac”,105=”emea”}, add in hashmap and print map and key separately
- Encapsulation code
- Xpath to find all hit items from Amazon
- Difference between list and set
Tips: After I wrote it, the interviewer asked me how to improve the code. Like reusability and other methods that can be used in the code
Company Name: Publicis Sapient
Position: Automation Test Engineer
Company Location: Bangalore
Updated on: 03.10.2022
- What is polymorphism?
- Exception handling?
- What is the difference b/w throw and throws?
- What is File in and File out?
- How to write the data for Notepad? Write the code?
- What is abstract and interface with example?
- Write a program fact using recursion.
- How will you handle multiple exceptions?
Selenium :
- Explain selenium architecture.
- Write an XPath of the MakeMyTrip application.
- Write the XPath for Holiday; there is no need to change the existing XPath. Using the same XPath, you need to identify the hotels as well.
- Explain the selenium grid and how to set it up.
- How are you maintaining the logs in your framework?
- Explain the framework of how you design.
- How will you execute the dependency test cases?
- How will you execute the 3 test cases at a time?
- What is the difference b/w Data provider and parameters?
- What is the difference b/w the Before Test and Before method? How will it work? Give me an example.
- Write the testng.xml format.
- What is BDD, and why do people prefer BDD nowadays?
- In BBD, why before and after using? Give me an example.
Manual Testing :
- What is a test strategy?
- What is the test plan? How will you create?
- How will you follow the agile process in your company?
- What is estimation?
Company Name: Publicis Sapient
Position: QA Automation
Company Location: Bangalore
Experience: 3.8 Yrs
Shared By: Rohit Sabarwal
No Of Rounds: 3
Updated on: 03.10.2022
There were three rounds, the first technical, the Manager round, and the HR round. All were very professional and interactive. My overall interview experience at Publicis Sapient was good.
Round 1: Technical
- Asked about the final keyword, sent one program, and asked for output for the same.
- What is the constructor? and types
- Asked to write a program for reversing a string.
- Asked to write a program to eliminate a repeating character from a string.
- Asked about static keywords, where we use and what purpose
- OOPs concept and where you implemented it in my framework
- In selenium, she asked me about windows handling.
- Asked about assertions and types
- Asked how to handle drop-down
- Parallel execution of test cases in TestNG
- I asked questions about the DDT framework (Data Providers).
- What is a class?
- What is the difference between static and nonstatic data members?
- Have you used collections?
- Explain when we go for ArrayList and when we go for the set.
- Difference between hashmap and hashtable
- How good are you in Selenium?
- When do we go for automation?
- Where you were storing your automation scripts
- I need to modify the test script. Please explain how you will access GitHub n modify it.
- How many automation scripts can you write per day?
- We are in the system testing phase, and parallel POC regarding automation is ongoing. Are you comfortable working on the manual testing team currently?
- What is your approach if there is a tracker- requirement assigned to handle?
Round 2: Manager Round
- Program: Sapient string to reverse.
- Program: Extract only numbers in the given string Sap1ent
- How good are you in Selenium?
- Have you built a framework?
- Explain the framework used in your project.
- How were you passing multiple data to your test script?
- Program: Wap to select multiple elements in the list and extract the elements selected.
- Have you used synchronization?
- What is the difference between implicit and explicit wait?
- They asked about my project and roles,
- Why I am looking for a change
- Asked me about any challenge (can be related to work or team members) I faced during my working span.
- What are your career goals? Where do I want to be in the next 5 Years?
- Asked about my ratings in the past 3 Years of my work
- Gave me a hypothetical situation and told me what will be my approach
Both rounds were approximately 40-60 Minutes.
Round 3: HR
As we discussed salary expectations on our first call, the HR round was more about explaining company culture, Compensation breakup, and benefits.
Tips: Be confident about your framework and explain as profoundly as possible. Focus more on essential topics we leave in Java, selenium, TestNG, or whatever framework you use.
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Experience: 7+ Years
Updated on: 30.10.2021
- Tell me about yourself.
- What are the test phases you have worked on?
- Have you been involved in test planning?
- Have you given estimations?
- Which tools have you used for bug tracking?
- Explain the defect lifecycle.
- What was your responsibility in your current role?
- Write the test case template which you used.
- As you have worked on web services, which tool have you used? Explain.
- Which model have you worked on?
- Have you worked on cms? Explain
- What is RTM?
- How good are you in Java?
- Parallel Execution
- What are the new features in Java 8, like lambda expression and for each expression with lambda?
- Programming:- Find the duplicate chars in a string and reverse the string
- Some TestNG questions, run via parallel browser, parallel execution, maven with commands, failed test cases
- Basics of Jenkins
- Accessibility basics, security basics, performance basics if you have done or not
- Selenium WebDriver architecture
- API serialization only def. And status code.
- What are the basics of Selenium Grid, and how does it work?
- Appium architecture and how it works?
- Different design patterns
- Project Structure
- One or two scenario-based Questions
Company Location: Gurgaon, India
Updated on: 30.10.2021
- Tell me about yourself.
- How do you install testing in your project?
- Order of testNG annotations during execution.
- Order in test execution using TestNG priority.
- Your role in sprint planning.
- Code for Implicit and Explicit wait.
- Initialization of chromedriver.
- How to run only failed test cases in TestNG?
- Write code for IRetryAnalyzer.
- What is pom.xml?
- How do you configure TestNG in pom.xml?
- What is WebDriver Manager?
- Difference between implicit wait, Explicit wait, and Fluent wait
- Syntax of following siblings XPath
- How to generate the report using Maven?
- Explain your Framework Architecture.
- What are the packages in your project?
- How to read Data from an Excel sheet using Apache POI?
- What is Apache POI?
- Write XPaths
- How do you initiate Chrome Browser using Selenium WebDriver?
- What are Listeners?
- What is Interface?
- How do you take screenshots?
- TakesScreenshot is a class or interface?
- Cucumber – what is the difference between a Scenario outline and Data tables
- Suppose there are three features, and all these three features have the same set of lines, i.e., Login and Logout. So, is there any way in the cucumber feature file to eliminate these repeated lines?
- What is the Background in Cucumber?
- How do you schedule jobs in Jenkins
- Difference between List and set
- Difference between Array and Linked list
- Program: Write a program to find duplicate characters in a String
- How does Binary search work?
- Program: Write a program for Palindrome
- Program: Write a program to sort this string alphabetically. Input: String str=”My name is Rajat”;
- Status codes – 500 and 401
- Difference between POST and PUT
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated on: 09.03.2020
- Brief intro about yourself
- How and where have you used Overloading and overriding scenarios in your projects, or where will you use them?
- Write a program to find a factorial of a number using recursion
- What is the use of the properties file?
- Explain the framework structure that you had in your testing projects
- What are the TestNG annotations and explanations for each of them?
- Pom.xml and its use
- Jenkins and its use
- Any experience in BDD
- Report generation techniques that you have used.
- Reverse a string
- How will you switch to the desired window?
- How will you iterate through the windows?
- The return type of window handles
- Types of waits.
- Some of the webdriver wait functions
- Locators
- Write the XPath of an element in any of the website
- How to find broken links in the web pages using selenium (including frames).
- How will you handle dynamic payloads in API?
- How to download a file using selenium.
- How will you handle dependencies in Maven at run time?
- How do you fetch the coupon code from the image file?
Date: Jan 2020
Experience Level: 4 – 8 Years
Location: Bengaluru
Mode: F2F
There were four rounds:
- Written Round
- First Technical
- Psychometric Test
- Managerial Round
Written Round:
There were 10-10 objective questions with options from Selenium and Java. The maximum number of programming questions came from Java. Questions related to access specifiers, object creation, overloading, variables, and collections were tricky, so it would be best if you concentrated well while answering them.
Selenium questions were straightforward. I remember only two: the return type of getWindowHandles() and What is WebDriver? The other questions were very easy. Your basics need to be cleared.
Although this round is easy maximum rejection happened in this round only.
First Technical Round:
I think this is a deciding round. They have a big panel, so an interviewer evaluates candidates well. A lot of questions were asked.
- How do you run feature files parallel in Cucumber?
- How do you share states between scenarios? Write code.
- There is an Employee web table. How will you store data in a collection optimally so that retrieving details of any employee is easier?
- Program: Write a Java program to the right that rotates the elements of an array by N.
- What are the exceptions you have faced, and how have you resolved them?
- How do you use the optimal page object model?
- Explain the current framework and list its drawbacks of that.
- Have you used stream API in Java?
- Tell me the step-by-step process of Integrating Selenium, Cucumber, and TestNG.
- How do you serialize and desalinize JSON Objects?
- Say my error codes, and how did you resolve them?
- What is JWT?
- What is the difference between POST, PUT and PATCH?
- What is POJO?
- They will ask many cross-questions based on your answer. So drive it well.
- String and Collection in Java
- Program: 2,7,10 Print the values that are missing between these elements. but not input value(2,7,10)
- Find the duplicates in an array?
- How do you select the last option in the dropdown list?
- POM based questions
- Which framework is used in the current company
- Worked on the BDD framework?
Psychometric Round:
Psychometric tests are a standard and scientific method for measuring an individual’s mental capabilities and behavioural styles. They are designed to assess candidates’ suitability for a role based on the required personality characteristics and aptitude (or cognitive abilities).
They identify the extent to which candidates’ personalities and cognitive abilities match those required to perform the role. Employers use the information collected from the psychometric test to identify the hidden aspects of candidates that are difficult to extract from a face-to-face interview.
This test will be online and will have no technical questions.
Managerial Round:
It had fewer technical, more scenario-based questions.
- How do you convince your senior when the senior advises some incorrect technical concept?
- What is your role in the sprint?
- How do you perform automation in a sprint?
- How do you increase your technical competencies?
- What is the difference between Sprint and Kanban?
- Suppose there is no existing automation framework, and you need to start automating stories in the sprint from the first day. How will you start?
- Have you published any articles or white papers?
- How many certifications have you done?
About Sapient Company
Sapient is a marketing and consulting company that provides clients business, marketing, and technology services. The company operates three divisions, SapientRazorfish, Sapient Global Markets, and Sapient Government Services.