Smoke VS Sanity Testing: Difference With Real time Example

Smoke VS Sanity Testing

When you go for any testing interview then you came across a common interview question like what is the difference between Smoke VS Sanity testing. If you search on Google then you can found so many blogs but they are confusing. But I hope this article will help you to clear your confusion and give you a better understanding between these two.

When a small application is developed then maybe there you can get a single source file but when it comes to a big project where you can see thousands of files. So for executing a single file is easy but you can’t execute that thousands of source files at a time. So creating an executable program from this thousand file is a very complicated process and time took to process.

Smoke Testing

Smoke testing is a kind of software testing where the QA is testing the important functionalities that are working without breaking. This testing process is carried out before the test the software application thoroughly or before the regression test is executed on the software build.

The main purpose of doing a smoke test is to reject the build by without wasting time if the important or critical functionalities are not working as expected. By doing this the QA team can save time by skipping the process like Installing and testing the software application.

During the smoke testing, the QA team selects those test cases which have important functionalities or complicated component of the system. The main objective here is not to perform detailed testing, but to verify the critical functionalities of the system is working fine.

Sanity Testing

Sanity testing is performed after receiving the build with minor changes in the code or functionality. This testing is carried out to confirm that the bugs have been fixed and no new issues are introduced with the changes.

The goal of performing a sanity test is that the proposed functionality is working as expected. If during the sanity test the tests will fail then the QA team can reject the build to avoid or save the cost and time in thorough testing of the software application.

Here the objective is not to thoroughly test the new functionalities of the software application but to determine that the developer has performed some sanity while developing the software.

Important Points

  • Both Smoke and sanity tests are performed to avoid the waiting time and effort by conducting a quick test and determine whether an application is too flawed to perform rigorous testing.
  • Sanity test also called test acceptance testing whereas smoke testing is performed on the builds so it’s called build verification test.
  • As these two tests, smoke and sanity are helpful to save and effort, so now most of the industries are conducting daily basis smoke and sanity tests.
  • Sanity and the smoke test can be done manually or using automation tools.

Search Words: smoke vs sanity testing, smoke vs sanity testing real-time examples

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