Complete Manual Testing Tutorial For Beginners

Manual Testing Tutorial: We have noticed that the software development field is changing quite fast in this world, and the importance of manual testing can’t be overstated.

This complete software testing guide aims to provide software testing concepts with practical examples to beginners with a solid foundation in manual testing by covering essential concepts, various testing tools, and strategies.

Software testing requires understanding the basics and exploring different types of testing and tools. This software testing tutorial – a complete series will help you with the knowledge needed to embark on a successful journey in manual testing.

What is Software testing or Manual Testing?

Manual testing is essential aspect of the software testing process, where a tester manually executes test scenarios without using any automation tools. 

Manual testing is the process of manually testing software for defects without using any testing tools. This complete testing tutorial explains everything you need to know as a beginner – from basic concepts to test case design, types of testing, best practices, and more.

Testing software manually is essential for delivering high-quality applications. Even with test automation, manual testing skills remain invaluable throughout the development lifecycle. This comprehensive beginner’s guide will teach you all the fundamentals you need to start a career in testing or improve your existing manual testing efforts.

Why is it Important?

Manual testing is a process where we manually check or test to verify that the application behaves as expected and find defects in the software application. Some key reasons why manual testing is important include the following:

  • It helps detect functional, UI, and usability issues that automated tests may miss.
  • Complements automated testing to provide complete test coverage.
  • Critical for assessing exploratory testing charters.
  • Essential for testing dynamically changing systems.
  • Verifies that the system meets business requirements.
  • Builds confidence that real-world usage will not reveal defects.

While test automation has many benefits, manual software testing is still indispensable for comprehensive testing. Human testers bring intuition, creativity, and real-world system usage that automated testing lacks.

Basics Manual Testing Tutorial For Beginners

From the above discussion, we believe you have a clear idea understanding of manual testing and why testing is considered essential for any developed application. This information about software testing will help you get the basics of manual testing.

Before taking a software testing course, you should have fundamental things like:

  • The basic idea of computer knowledge and software engineering.
  • Strong will or interest in learning software testing skills.

Complete Manual Software Testing Tutorial For Beginners

Below, we have shared all the Manual testing tutorial links with the concept name. To read that tutorial, click on the link to redirect you to the respective topics.

Manual Testing Concepts for Beginners

For beginners entering the field of manual testing, it’s essential to grasp fundamental testing concepts. This section will cover key terms and concepts that every novice tester should know, laying the groundwork for a successful testing career.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models

I think you have an overall idea about what software testing is and different software testing principles. Now, we can progress toward the application development life cycle, also popularly called the SDLC model.

Types Of Manual Testing

Several types of software testing are categorized by what is being tested when testing occurs and the testing techniques used. Common manual testing types include:

Black Box Testing

White Box Testing

Statement Coverage
Condition Coverage
Basic Path Testing
Branch Coverage
Multiple Condition Coverage
Loop Testing

Functional Testing

Non-Functional Testing

Web Testing

Web Application Testing
Website Testing Checklist
Cross-browser Testing

System Testing

Security Testing
Performance Testing
Recovery Testing
Stress Testing
Deployment Testing

Other Types of Testing

Understanding and knowing software testing types helps testers select the right testing methods for project needs.

Test Case Development

Different Types Of Testing Techniques

The software testing design techniques help every application development project improve its quality and effectiveness. When the software application is developed, the next phase should be appropriately tested before delivering it to the end-user or the customer. 

So, various types of software testing techniques exist in the industry for testing a software application.

Techniques of Dynamic Testing

Structured Based

Multiple Condition

Experienced Based

Error Guessing

Specification Based

Techniques of Static Testing


Informal Review
Technical Review

Static Analysis

Static Analysis
Control Flow
Data Flow

Software Testing Life Cycle

The STLC is nothing but a testing process, which, in some specific steps, is to be executed in a definite order to confirm that the product’s quality goals have been met. In software testing, the life cycle has different phases, and each phase or activity should be carried out systematically and planned to show that at the end of the phase, the end-user will get his goals and deliverables.

The phases are not typical for all organizations; based on the requirements, different organizations have different phases of SDLC. We have added some details below for more information regarding the STLC. You can check it out for more information there:

Performing Manual Testing: Step-by-Step Guide

Walk through the step-by-step process of performing software testing. This section will guide you in planning and executing test cases, interpreting results, and providing valuable feedback to the development team. Gain practical knowledge that will set you apart as an effective tester.

Testers are involved throughout the SDLC life cycle, from requirements gathering to user acceptance testing. Main activities include:

  • Test Planning: Defining the objectives, scope, testing types, schedules, test cases, etc.
  • Writing Test Cases: Detailed step-by-step test scenarios to validate the system.
  • Executing Test Cases: Performing testing as per plan by following test cases/charters.
  • Reporting Defects: Documenting and tracking defects in bug-tracking systems when issues are found.
  • Regression Testing: Retesting previously tested functionality after fixes or enhancements.
  • User Acceptance Testing: Validating that the system meets business and user requirements.

The process requires patience, strong communication skills, creativity, analytical abilities, and a quality-focused mindset.

Test Case Management

Test Plan Template
What is a Test Plan?
Test Estimation Techniques
Test Management Tools

Defect Management [ Bug Tracking ]

Test Environment for Testing
Bug in Software Testing
Defect Priority
Defect Management Process
Bug Life Cycle

Software Testing Tools

Explore the landscape of manual testing tools that aid testers in executing test cases efficiently. This section will introduce you to popular manual testing tools and help you understand how to leverage them to enhance your testing process.

While manual testing does not use test automation tools, testers use various tools to assist with planning, specification, defect tracking and reporting. Popular testing tools include:

  • Test Management Tools: QMetry, PractiTest, TestLink
  • Defect/Bug Tracking Tools: Jira, Bugzilla, Zoho BugTracker
  • Test Case Management Tools: Zephyr, TestFLO, Kualitee

Using these tools improves testing efficiency, helps manage test artifacts, and keeps stakeholders informed on testing progress.

Test Management Tools
Automation Testing Tool
Cross-Browser Testing Tool
Unit Testing Tools
Defect /Bug Tracking Tool
Performance Testing Tool
Integration Testing Tool
Mobile Testing Tools

Common Interview Questions for Manual Testers

Prepare for interviews with a compilation of common interview questions for tester positions. This section will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to tackle interviews and land your dream job in the field of testing.

Essential Testing Strategies to Perform Manual Testing

Understand the importance of developing effective testing strategies. From creating test plans to implementing unit testing, this section will guide you in formulating strategies that ensure the delivery of high-quality software.

Manual Testing vs. Automation Testing: Striking the Right Balance

There is an ongoing debate about manual testing vs. automation testing. Understand the strengths and limitations of each approach and learn when to choose one over the other. Striking the right balance between manual and automation testing is critical for a successful testing strategy.

How is Manual Testing Performed?

Performing manual testing properly is critical to delivering high-quality software. Key steps include:

  • Understand Requirements: Study business, functional, and UI requirements for what needs validation.
  • Review Design and Code: Helps identify defects missed in testing.
  • Write Test Cases: Detailed test cases validate intended behavior.
  • Set Up Test Data: Configures system to test state with suitable test data.
  • Execute Test Cases: Follow scripts/charters to validate expected behavior.
  • Report Defects in the Tracking System: Log defects with steps to reproduce, screenshots, etc.
  • Retest Fixes: Confirm bugs are fixed once marked as resolved in the tracking system.

Following defined processes revealed defects not detected previously and ensured reliable software releases.

How is Manual Testing Different from Automation Testing?

While automation tests run pre-scripted tests unattended, manual testing is performed by human testers in real time. Unlike manual testing, test automation:

  • Requires scripting skills to write automation code
  • It needs significant initial effort but saves time executing repetitive test cycles
  • Specializes in testing system logic and integrations
  • Can miss UI, design, and real-world usage issues

Manual and automation testing complement each other. Skilled QA teams use manual exploratory methods and automated scripts to achieve comprehensive testing coverage.

What Makes a Good Manual Software Tester?

Besides sound technical skills, exemplary manual testing requires other critical qualities:

  • Detail Orientation: testing requires great Identifying subtle defects or deviations from specifications.
  • Creativity: Designing tests that experience frequently detect issues.
  • Intuition: Possessing a tester’s instinct for spotting questionable behavior.
  • Adaptability: Adjusting to requirement changes and new test types.
  • Communication: Clarify requirements and explain defects clearly.
  • Time Management: Estimating testing accurately and prioritizing key test cases.
  • Tool Knowledge: Using various testing tools to maximize productivity.

Developing this well-rounded expertise makes testers truly stand out.

What are some Manual Testing Best Practices?

Follow these proven manual processes of testing best practices for defect detection effectiveness:

  • Involve the testing team early in requirement reviews.
  • Make testability a design priority.
  • Define testable requirements with validation criteria.
  • Prioritize exploratory over scripted testing.
  • Use risk analysis to focus test efforts.
  • Build a library of reusable test cases.
  • Retain test data and scripts for regression testing.
  • Follow formal defect tracking and root cause analysis processes.
  • Allocate time for tester training and skills development.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Manual testing remains essential for delivering high-quality software with exceptional user experience even as test automation evolves. Key highlights include:

  • It is crucial for uncovering real-world software usage issues missed in automation
  • Involves well-defined test planning, analysis, execution, and reporting processes
  • Various testing types validate differing aspects as per project needs
  • A wide range of tools assist with test management, tracking, and reporting
  • The key differentiator from test automation is real-time validation by human testers
  • Sharp analytical abilities combined with creativity and intuition distinguish skilled testers
  • Manual testing is a crucial aspect of software testing, providing a human perspective to the testing process.
  • Various software testing types cater to different testing needs, including acceptance and black-box testing.
  • Performing manual testing involves meticulous planning, execution, and result interpretation.
  • Striking the right balance between manual and automation is essential for a successful testing strategy.
  • Familiarize yourself with popular software testing tools to enhance your testing efficiency.
  • The role of a manual tester requires a solid understanding of software development concepts and effective communication skills.
  • Grasp fundamental testing terminologies to build a strong foundation.
  • Prepare for interviews with common interview qa tailored for testers.
  • Develop essential testing strategies, including creating comprehensive test plans and implementing unit testing.


This complete software testing tutorial series imparted all core concepts for those new to software testing. With robust processes, specialized skills, and the right tools, testers build rewarding careers, ensuring customer delight through reliable software.

This complete QA manual testing tutorial is helpful for beginners and serves as a comprehensive guide, offering valuable insights and practical knowledge to kickstart a successful career in software testing.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

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