Very Important and Basics SQL Queries for Testing: In the world of software testing, having a strong understanding of SQL queries is essential. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a domain-specific language for managing and manipulating relational databases. SQL queries are used to extract data from a database, and a thorough understanding of SQL syntax and the ability to write efficient queries is crucial for testing database applications.
SQL queries play a significant role in testing data-driven applications. Testers must have the skills to write complex queries to validate data and ensure the application functions as intended. In this context, it is essential for testers to have a solid foundation in SQL queries and be able to apply this knowledge to test and validate database applications effectively.
SQL Queries Interview Questions And Answers
Before Attending any interview, please go through the SQL queries below:
Display the department name along with the total salary in each department
Ans: SELECT DepartmentName, SUM(Salary) AS TotalSalary FROM Employee GROUP BY DepartmentName;
Write a query to display the ename and job for all the employees with their half-term salary
Ans: SELECT ename, job, salary / 2 AS half_term_salary FROM employees;
Write a query to display the number of employees working in each department except the president.
Ans: SELECT Department, COUNT(*) AS Number_of_Employees FROM Employees WHERE Department != ‘President’ GROUP BY Department;
Write a query to get the number of employees with the same job “QA”.
Ans: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Employees WHERE Job = ‘QA’
Write a query to display name and designation along with a 100 penalty in salary
Ans: SELECT name, designation, salary-100 as ‘Penalty in salary’ FROM employee;
Display the names of the employees who earn the highest salary in their respective departments in SQL
Ans: SELECT, e.salary, e.department FROM Employees e
INNER JOIN (SELECT department, MAX(salary) AS max_salary FROM Employees GROUP BY department) AS max_sal ON e.department = max_sal.department AND e.salary = max_sal.max_salary;
Write a query to display the total salary needed to pay for each job in the employee table
Ans: SELECT Job, SUM(Salary) AS Total_Salary FROM Employee GROUP BY Job;
SQL Queries Asked In the Interview
- Consider a relation emp with attributes empno, ename, job, salary, hiredate, age and deptno. Display the name, salary, and deptno of the top three earners in the company.
- List all the employees whose commission is null
- Write a query to display all the details of the employees along with an annual bonus of 2000
- Write a query to display name and salary with a monthly hike of 50
- Display the names of the employees who earn the highest salary in their respective departments.
- Write a query to display the total salary needed to pay for each job in the employee table.
- Which query can display employee names belonging to the sales department? The sub-query may return zero or more records.
- Identify a query to count the number of employees with job position clerk and manager
- Waqtd all the details of the employees along with an annual bonus of 2000
- Write a query to display the name and annual salary with a deduction of 10
- Which select statement displays all the employees who do not have any subordinates?
SQL Query Interview Questions
- Select * From Emp Where Salary (Select Salary From Emp Where Name=’nina’)
- Select Empno Distinct Ename Salary From Emp
- List Ename, Job, Annual Sal, Deptno, Dname Who Earn 30000 Per Year And Who Are Not Clerks
- List All The Salesmen In Dept 30
- Write A Query To Display Total Salary Given To Each Employee
- Display The Name Of The Employee Who Has Got the Maximum Bonus
- Display Annual Salary Of All Employees
- Waqtd Number Of Times The Salaries Present In Employee Table
- Display Half Of The Total Salary Paid To All The Employees
- Write A Query To Display Ename And Sal Of Employees
- Display The Salesmen ID, Salesmen Name, And Location Of Those Salesmen Who Are Co-located.
- Display The Employee Details With Their Annual Salary Who Earn Maximum Commission
- Which Select Statement Displays All The Employees Who Do Not Have Any Subordinates
- Display The List Of Employees Who Have Joined The Company Before 30-jun-90 Or After 31-dec-90
- Display The Names Of Employees Who Are Working In The Company For The Past 5 Years
Basic SQL Queries Interview Questions
- List out the employees who earn more than every employee in department 30
- List all the employees with annual salary except those who are working in dept 30
- Which of the following would retrieve the total amount of salary for those employees
- Waqtd total salary needed to pay employees working as a clerk
- Which query can display employee names who are belonging to sales department
- Write a query to display the hire date on which at least 3 employees were hired.
- Write a query to get the number of employees with the same job
- SQL queries on emp and dept table
- Waqtd name of all the employees
- Waqtd full form in SQL
- Display the names of employees who earn the highest salary.
- Display the empno, ename, job, sal, and deptno of the employee who is earning the maximum salary.
- Retrieve the total salary of employees which is greater than 12000
- Display all the information on the EMP table
- Identify the SQL query for selecting the names of employees from the ’empinfo’ table where the salary is 12,000 or 15,0000.
- List employees who are located in Chicago and whose commission is zero
- Waqtd average salary needed to pay all employees
- Write a query to get the department name and number of employees in the department.
- Display the names of employees who are not working as managers salary between 3000 and 4000 SQL
- Employee table in SQL
- Display each name of the employee as “name” and annual salary as “annual salary” (note: salary in emp table is the monthly salary)
- Waqtd name and salary with a monthly hike of 50
- Which of the following queries displays the sum of all employee salaries for those employees not making a commission, for each job, including only those sums greater than 2500?
- What employee has the job title of sales manager? Quiz
- Which query is used to display the unique location of employees
- List all the employees who have reporting managers in dept 10
- Write a query to retrieve the list of employees working in the same department.
- Find the half-term salary in SQL
- Write a query to display details of all the employees along with annual salary
- Waqtd number of employees getting salary less than 2000 in deptno 10
- Display those records whose salary is greater than 10000 and less than 25000
- Display the name of the employee who earns the highest salary
- Waqtd dno and number of emp working in each dept if there are at least 2 clerks in each dept
- Select * from emp where job=’clerk’ or job=’mgr’ ; this query will return
- Display the details of those who are drawing the same salary.
- Which of the following SQL statements will display the names of the employees?
- Who gets the minimum salary?
- Name of the employee and the location of all the employees
- How to calculate half-term salary in SQL
- Display the employees who are working in the sales department
- Finding the employees who have been hired in the last 3 months
- Query to display name ends with ‘a’
- Highest salary in SQL interview questions
- HR wants a list of all employees who were hired in March. Which statement will do this job?
- Write an SQL query to find an employee whose salary is greater than 10000
- Write a query to display the hire date on which at least 3 employees were hired
- Display employee number and total salary for each employee
- Write a query to display the employee names who are earning more than smith.
- Display the department name of the employee who earns the maximum salary and has no reporting manager
- List all the employees who have reporting manager in dept 10
- Write a query to display unique jobs from the emp table
- Query is used to find the average salary of the employees
SQL Queries Interview Questions For Experienced Professionals
- Which of the following SQL queries will calculate the average salary of all employees in a table called employees?
- Write a query to display the annual salary of the employee whose name is Smith
- Waqtd ename and job for all the employee with their half term salary
- Waqtd dno and number of emp working in each dept if there are at least 2 clerks in each dept
- List all the salesmen in department number 30
- Select empname salary * 3 from emp
- Write a query to retrieve the list of employees working in the same department
- List department name having at least 3 salesman
- Select high_priority sum(dname) from dept
- Write a query to display the total salary given to each employee (sal+comm)
- Display the names of employees who earn the highest salary
- Display the names of employees who earn the highest salary in their respective jobs.
- Write a query to display the last name, job, and salary for all employees whose job is that of a programmer or a shipping clerk and whose salary is not equal to $4,500, $10,000, or $15,000. Note: table involves 1.Employees
- Display name as ename and department as dept for the first 2 records
- Display the employee no and total salary for all the employees
- Display the salary of all the employees after incrementing by rs 1000
- __________query is used to find the average salary of the employees.
- Display the name of the employee who earns the highest salary in SQL
- Waqtd total salary needed to pay employees hired in Feb
- Write a query to find the names of employees that begin with ‘s’
- Select * from emp
- Display all the employees whose department names end with S.
- Display the name of the employee who earns the highest salary
- Display the name, salary and deptno of the top three earners in the company
Tricky SQL Query Interview Questions
- Which of the following queries displays the sum of all employees
- Display the common jobs from departments number 10 and 20
- Write a query to display the name of the employee
- Display the details of those who are drawing the same salary
- Write a query to display the employee name, department number and department name for all employees
- Using the set operator, display the deptno, sum(sal) for each dept, job, sum(sal) for each job and total salary.
- Which of the following queries will return the first name of the employee who earns the highest salary?
- Write a mysql query to display the maximum salary of the employees based on the month that they were hired
- Write a query to display employee details (name, department, salary and job) from the emp table.
- Write a query to display the number of employees getting salaries less than 2000 in deptno 10
- Write a query that selects only the names of employees who are not managers
- Determine the ‘ename’, ‘job’, and ‘sal’ and rename the title as job-sal the output must be job-sal as smith [clerk] rs.2000
- List the employees who joined after 2 years of being the first employee of the company and more than Blake’s salary
- Half-term salary meaning in SQL
- In SQL, the statement select * from emp dept is equivalent to
- Write a query to get the total salaries payable to employees.
- Write a query to list the number of jobs available in the employee’s table.
- Display the average salary of employees
- Write a query to display details of employees who are not getting a commission
- HR wants all employees list who got hired in the month of March
- Consider a relation emp with attributes empno ename
- Select ename min(sal) from emp
SQL Queries Interview Questions For Testers
- Write a query to display the name salary and salary with a hike of 10
- Write a query to find the name (first_name, last_name) and salary of the employees who earn more than the average salary and work in any of the departments. Note: table involves 1.Employees 2.Departments
- Select a query to get the name of the employees where the length of the name is greater than or equal to 4, and this name must be unique in the
- Resultant data.
- Select all employees in department 10 whose salary is greater than 3000. [table: employee]
- Waqtd number of employees getting salary less than 2000 in deptno 10
- List all the employees who have reporting managers in dept 10 along with a 10% hike in salary
- Select from the available list of designations
- Display the names of salesmen who have made at least 2 sales.
- Select name from candidate where sum(salary+bonus) 50000
- Which query can display employee names who belong to sales
- Department? Sub query may return zero or more records
- Write a query to display ename, who is earning more than Smith
- List the employees who joined before 1981
- SQL query for salary greater than
- Waqtd details of the employee who was hired 2nd
- Write a query to display the number of times the salaries are present in the employee table
SQL Queries Interview Questions For Testers
- Employee and department table queries in SQL
- What is the common short term if you want to sort your employee’s list by salary, starting with the highest salary and ending with the lowest salary?
- Write a query to display the number of people with the same job.
- Write a query to display the job title and average salary of employees
- List employees who are located in Chicago and whose commission is zero.
- Finding the employees who have been hired in the last 3 months.
- Write a query to get the number of employees working with the company
- Display those employees whose salary is equal to the average of maximum and minimum salary of all employees, also display their department names.
- Query to display unique jobs from the employee table
- Write a SQL query that would be used to display unique departments with jobs. Select one: a. Select a department from the employee; b. Select a job from the employee; c. Select distinct from the employee; d. Select a distinct department from the employee;
- Write a query in SQL to list the employees whose experience is more than 10 years
- SQL query to find salary greater than average salary department-wise
- Consider an emp table having columns empno, empname, and salary which of the following queries sort the emp table by empname and then by salary in descending order
- Retrieve the total salary of the employee group by employee name and count similar names
SQL Queries Interview Questions For 5 Years Experience
- Top 5 salary in SQL
- Retrieve employee number and their salary
- Display the details of all employees in SQL
- How to find annual salary in SQL
- SQL query to display the employees hired in 1981
- Select ename from emp
- Command to display all the data in the table emp is
- Display half of the total salary paid to all the employees.
- Select the name of the employee with max salary
- Select * from emp dept
- Write a query to display the number of people with the same job
- To display the names of employees who earn more
- Display the total salary of all employees
- Waqtd loc of the employee who was hired first
- Display hiredate and the job of all the employees working for sales
- Write a query to get the department name and number of employees in the department
- Display all employees who joined in the year 1981.
- Suppose a relation named employee contains the attributes emp_name, emp_designation, emp_address, and emp_salary. Which of the following queries will be used to select all employees whose designation is admin officer?
- Which of the following SQL queries is correct for selecting the name of the staff member from the ‘staff info’ table where the salary is 10000 or 25000?
- Display the total salary of all employees in SQL
- List employees whose names have 4 characters
- Display the count of employees as ‘no_of_employees’ and, the total salary paid to employees as ‘total_salary’ present in each department.
- Write a query to list the department ID and name of all the departments where no employee is working
SQL Queries For Interview
- Waqtd dname and salary for all the employees working in accounting.
- List the employees who are not working as analysts, in dept 10 and 30, containing at least one an in their ename with a salary in the range of 1000 to 3000
- Display all the employees whose department names end ‘s’
- Choose the query to find all employees whose names start with ‘s’
- Write a query to display all the details from the employee table
- Display employees who are getting the same commission
- The names of those departments where there are more than 100 employees
- Finding the employees who have been hired in the last 3 months
- Display the job, deptno, and average salary of employees belonging to department 10 or 20 and their salary is more than 2000 and the average salary is more than 2500.
- Write a query to get the job id and maximum salary of the employees where maximum salary is greater than or equal to $4000 note: table involve 1.Employees
- Select from the available list of designations.
SQL Query-Based Interview Questions
- Which of the queries given in the options will display the number of employees with the same job?
- We define an employee’s total earnings to be their monthly worked and the maximum total earnings to be the maximum total earnings for any employee in
- The employee table. Write a query to find the maximum total earnings for all employees and the total number of employees with maximum total earnings. Then, print these values as space-separated integers.
- Waqtd details of all the employees along with annual salary.
- Display only the jobs with a maximum salary greater than or equal to 3000
SQL Queries Asked In Interview Questions
- Select * from emp;
- Display employee details who are reporting to Blake and have commission without using null or not null
- Write a query to display the jobs/designations available in the employee’s table.
- SQL query to find the sum of salary department-wise
- Choose a query to display the employee number name, salary, and new salary
- Display lowest paid employee details under each department
- Display the number of employees who joined after the 15th of the month.
- Select count(empid) ename from emp group by empname where count(empid) 5
- You want to find the maximum salary of the employees. Write a mysql query to display the maximum salary of the employees based on the month that they
- Were hired.
- What is the SQL query to delete the records of employees who earn less than 5000?
- Write a query to display the employee name, department number, and department name for all employees
- Write a query to display the staff member’s name starting with the letter ‘s’. Sort the records based on the staff member’s name in ascending order.
- Display the names of employees with the highest salary in each department.
SQL Interview Questions For Analyst
- Write a query to get the total salaries payable to employees
- Display total number of employees working in deptno 20
- Display names of employees whose experience is more than 10 years
- Write a query to list the number of jobs available in the employee’s table
- Write an SQL query to display the total salary of each employee, adding the salary with a variable value.
- How to find max salary in SQL
- Write a query to display the department number with more than 2 employees. The total amount required to pay the monthly salaries of all the employees in that department should be more than 9000.
- The employee salary should not be less than 10000.
- Display the names of employees whose names are exactly five characters in length
- Select the suitable option for retrieving all the employees who have a manager
SQL Query Questions
- SQL query to find average salary department-wise
- Select the name of the employee with max(salary)
- Display employees who joined in the month of May
- Write a query to display the job title and average salary of employees.
- Which of the following SQL queries will update the salary column for all employees?
- Select the employee names who works for more than 1 department.
- Write a query to display the employee ID, first name, last name, and salary of all employees whose salary is above average for their departments
- Which statements calculate the total Sal of the “deptt” table?
- Select ename deptno from emp where deptno not in
- For each role, find the average number of years employed by employees in that role
- SQL query to count the number of employees in each department
SQL Testing Interview Questions
- Delete those employees who joined the company 18 years ago from today.
- List all the employees who don’t have a reporting manager in SQL
- Find employees’ names that start with an end with o and are at least 5 characters in length.
- Select a statement that will select the employee details in the order of department name(dname)
- Which among the following queries will display all the details of employees whose salary is greater than 18000?
- Select from employees where salaries between 3000 and 4000
- Select the suitable option for retrieving all the employees who have a manager.
- SQL query to find a name starts with a
- Which query returns all the employees who earn the minimum salary from the employee’s table
- Write a SQL query to display the top 3 departments with the highest average age of employees
- Query to display the employee names who have a maximum salary in dept name accounting
- Write a query to display the first half of the employee’s name
- Write an SQL query to fetch the list of employees with the same salary
- Which query will be employed when an administrator wants to see a list of employees who work in the sass? Select one: a. Action query b. Select query C. Update query d. Make-table query
- You need to display the last name of those employees
SQL Queries Examples With Answers
- Which among the following queries will display all the details of employees whose salary is greater than 18000
- List the names of clerks from the emp table.
- Which of the following queries will retrieve the last name of the employee who earns the lowest salary?
- Display department-wise minimum salary which is less than the average salary of employees
- Using set operator displays the job and deptno in employees working in deptno 20,10,30 in that order.
- Waqtd the salaries which are repeated in emp table
- Find the details of the employees who earn less than the average salary in their respective departments.
- Display the name of employees having the highest salary in each department
SQL Oracle Interview Questions
- Display all the clerks and analysts who are not working for ‘Dallas’
- Create a view of empv10 that contains empno, Ename, and the jobs of the employees who work in dept 10. Also, describe the structure of the view.
- List all the employees who have reporting managers in dept 10 along with 10 hikes in salary
- Waqtd empno of employees if they have the mgr 7689 using where clause
- Which of the following statements is used to calculate the total salary of the Dept table
- Which of the following statements will display rows for a commission greater than 100 and less than 2000?
- List Ename, job, annual sal, deptno, dname who earn 30000 per year and who are not clerks
- Select name from employee where salary> (select salary from employee where dept = ‘sales’);
- Department wise highest salary in SQL
- Which query gives Ename a commission as null from the table (eno, Ename, comm)?
- Find employees who earn the highest salary for their job
- Write a query to display the name, job title, and salary of employees who do not have a manager
- Display the number of employees in each department
- Top 3 salary in SQL
- Display the dept information from the department table
- Identify the query used for average sales done by each salesperson
- What is the output of the below query? Select deptno, avg(sal) from emp where avg(sal) > 2000 group by deptno;
- Write a query to display the name of the department with the maximum staff count. Sort the records based on the department name in ascending
- Order.
- Count of employees in each department SQL
- The query given below can be replaced with which query select * from emp where job=’manager’ or job=’analyst’;
- Show the average salary for all departments
- Write a query to display the number of employees working in each department and its’ average salary by excluding all the employees whose salary is less
- Than their commission.
- Compare each employee’s salary with the average salary of the corresponding department. Output the department, first name, and salary of employees along with the average salary of that department.
- Display employee name and salary of those employees who have their salary in the range of 2000 to 4000
- Select the employees in department 30
- Given a table of employee data and a table of department data, return the top 3 highest-paid employees in each department, along with their salary
- And department name. If a department has less than 3 employees, return all employees in that department. You should also include the rank of each
- An employee within their department.
- Print the department name and average salary of each department
- List the employees whose name does not end with ‘es’ or ‘r’
- SQL query to get details of employees working in the same department
- SQL query to increase salary by 5000
- Write an SQL query to fetch the list of employees with the same salary.
- Display the list of employees with the same salary.
A strong understanding of SQL queries is a critical skill for software testers who are responsible for testing data-driven applications. SQL queries are essential for retrieving and validating data from relational databases, and testers must have the skills to write complex queries to ensure that the application is functioning as intended. Testing database applications requires a thorough knowledge of SQL syntax, the ability to write efficient and optimized queries, and an understanding of relational database concepts.
By mastering SQL queries, testers can validate data accurately and effectively and ensure that the application meets the required quality standards. In today’s fast-paced and data-driven world, the importance of SQL queries in software testing cannot be overstated, and testers must invest time and effort in acquiring and honing this skill.
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32) Display all the employees who are getting some commission in marketing department where the employees have joined only on weekdays.
Thanks For detailed article