Test Cases For Disable Field

Test Cases For Disable Field: There are many reasons a field may be inactive, but some of the most common include incorrect input, invalid fields, incorrect values, and missing values. This post will discuss some test cases that can be used to check for these issues in a data field. We’ll also provide instructions on how to run the tests and locate any errors.

Post On:Test Cases For Disable Field
Post Type:Manual Test Case Template
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Test Cases For Disable Field

Here we will list all the possible test cases for the disabled fields. But we will separate the test scenarios for the disabled field based on the behavior, like Positive and negative test cases. So here are some of the Important test cases for Disable Field below.

Positive Test Cases For Disabled Field

  • Check when the user opens the webpage where we have a disabled or non-editable field; the default view of the disabling field should be non-editable or disabled mode.
  • Check the color of the Inactive Field.
  • Check that cursor icon when the user hovers over the non-editable field.
  • Check if there is any default text for the Inactive Field fields.
  • Check what the default value is set for the disabled field.
  • Check if the user can select a value for the disabled field.
  • Check the disabled field when the user edits the details of the element.
  • Check if the Inactive Field is dependent on other elements.
  • Check if the disabled field is enabled on selecting some specific value.
  • When selecting the dependent element, check whether the Inactive Field is prefilled.
  • Check if the Inactive Fields prefilled value is as per the requirement.
  • Check the application’s behavior when the Inactive Field is mandatory and the user tries to submit the form without any value.
  • Check the behavior of the Disable Field when the user makes it enable by inspecting the element and submitting the form.

Negative Test Cases For Disabled Field

  • Check when the user double click on the disabled field and the behavior of the disabled field.


Above, we have shared a few test scenarios for the Disable Field. But still, you can identify the missed test cases for Disable Field and inform us in the comment section.

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