Test Cases For Tooltip

Test Cases For Tooltip or Tooltip Test Cases: Tooltips are part of a UI element that shows a small amount of information about an element on the screen, usually on hover. Tooltips usually provide additional information about a website’s content or functionality.

What Is a Tooltip?

A tooltip is a small floating window, usually displayed over a user interface element. The function of a tooltip is to inform the user about some specific feature or detail of the object it accompanies. A tool tip can be dismissed by clicking, but only if the mouse pointer hovers over the associated object.

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You can create a tooltip by using different technology:

  • Tooltip in HTML
  • Tooltip in Bootstrap
  • Tooltip CSS
  • Tooltip Tableau
Test Cases For Tooltip 1

Test Cases For Tooltip

  • Check the height and width of the tool tip as per the requirement.
  • Check that the user displays the tooltip text properly.
  • Check that the complete text is displayed by hovering over the elements.
  • The tooltip should not be displayed when the user removes the mouse cursor from the element.
  • Check on the mouse hover to see if the element color has changed.
  • Check whether the mouse cursor changes or not on hovering over the tooltip.
  • Check if any content is trimmed when the tooltip has more content.
  • Check the tooltip text is giving proper information to the user.
  • Check if there is any spelling mistake in the tooltip text.
  • Check if the icons are displaying inside the tooltip text.


Tooltips are one of the most common elements in modern websites. They appear in many places, such as menus, search results, and product descriptions. When testing a website, tooltips can help determine what happens when users interact with certain page parts. In the comments below, let us know if you have other ideas for the tooltip test scenario.

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