Test Cases For Website Url Or Url Test Cases: In this post, we will check the test scenarios for the Website URL. The idea is to check the user experience in different scenarios and test with different devices.
What is a Website URL?
Every website has a unique URL address, known as the URL. It represents the complete address of a website on the internet. To check whether a website is available, go to Google and type in its URL name.
Post On: | Test Case For Website URL |
Post Type: | Test Case Template |
Published On: | www.softwaretestingo.com |
Applicable For: | Freshers & Experience |
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What does a website URL mean?
A website URL is a unique string of characters that identifies the website. It’s used to identify a website on the internet and represents an address. Website URL comprises three parts: protocol, host, and path. The protocol specifies the network layer protocol used to send data from server to server on the internet (usually HTTP or HTTPS).
The host specifies where you send your request for data, either the site name or domain name. Website URLs may also be web addresses, site addresses, or internet addresses.

Test Case For Website URL
- Check if the user can access the URL by entering the URL field of the web browser.
- Check that the user can type the URL in the web browser URL field.
- Check whether the user can paste the URL in the URL field.
- Verify the user can paste the URL in the URL field using the mouse.
- Check if the URL is open in the web browser after entering the URL in the field and pressing the Enter key on the Keyboard.
- Check if the URL is accessible with HTTP:// or HTTPS://. Eg- https://www.softwaretestingo.in or http://www.softwaretestingo.in
- Check if the various TLDs are accessible with a URL. Here, TLD means extensions like .in, .com, .org, etc. E.g., https://www.softwaretestingo
- Check by adding spaces at the URL’s start and clicking the button; spaces should not be allowed.
- By adding spaces at the end of the URL, spaces should be trimmed.
- An error message should be displayed if the user tries to access without entering any URL.
- Check by adding an IP address of the website and Clicking on the button.
- Check without adding any TLD, and the user can access the URL.
- Check whether the user can access it without adding dots (). in the URL. E.g., https://wwwsoftwaretestingocom
- Check if the URL is accessible with only an extension, for example, https://www.com.
- Check the URL field by entering the combination of numbers and characters: https://www.softwaretesingo2022.com
- Check the URL field by entering the combination of number, character, and special characters other than (.), e.g., https://www.softwaretestingo@.in.
- Check if the URL is accessible by entering an encoded URL.
- Check if the URL is accessible if a forward slash is added at the end of the URL.
- Check if the URL has any special characters.
- Check the URL of an anchor text.
- Check if the URL is accessible when the spaces are between the URLs. E.g., https://www.software testing. in
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