UST Global Interview Questions

UST Global Overview

  • Aliso Viejo, CA (US)
  • 10000+ employees
  • 1999
  • Private Company
  • IT Services
  • ₹100 to ₹500 billion (INR) per year
  • Unknown

UST Global Interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? We can’t read minds, unfortunately, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked UST Global interview questions and answers.

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Post Type:Interview Questions
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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We have tried to share some of the manual testing interview questions, selenium interview questions, and testing interview questions, but we recommend spending some quality time getting comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the UST Global interview.

Still, we need your love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So, it would be great if you shared your recent interview questions and experiences with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at

Ust Global Automation Testing Interview Questions

Company Name: UST GLOBAL
Position: Automation Tester
Updated on: 01.03.2025

  • Difference between Scenario and Scenario Outline in BDD Cucumber?
  • How to disable a test in TestNG?
  • What are the different Hooks in TestNG?
  • Tell me 5 interfaces that you used in your framework.
  • How to switch from one window to another(Code)?
  • How to handle Synchronisation issues in your project?
  • How to get the Font & Color of a text?
  • Write a program to find out the largest & smallest number in an array.
  • How to get data from an Excel File (Apache POI)?
  • Difference between Bug & Defect?
  • Difference between Assert & Verify?
  • Write code for “Window Scrolling”?

Company Name: UST GLOBAL
Position: Automation Test Lead
Updated on: 04.02.2025

  • What are all the versions of selenium?
  • Can you please tell the return type of all the elements?
  • How will you handle dynamics elements?
  • What is HTTP Methods?
  • Explain the use of an object repository in Selenium (.properties file).
  • How do you store data in a .properties file?
  • What is Page Factory in Selenium?
  • What is the difference between @BeforeClass and @BeforeTest in TestNG?
  • What are the tasks typically written under the @BeforeTest annotation?
  • How can you skip a test case in Cucumber?
  • How do you rerun failed test cases in TestNG?
  • How do you group and run test cases in TestNG?
  • What would you include under the @BeforeSuite annotation?
  • Can you explain the different locators used in Selenium?
  • What is a collection in Java?
  • Explain the hierarchy of exceptions in Java.

Company Name: UST GLOBAL
Position: SDET
Company Location: Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kochi, Trivandrum, Chennai
Experience: 4 Yrs
Shared By: Aditi Kumari
No Of Rounds: 1
Updated on: 03.10.2022


It was a video Interview, and FloCareer was used as a platform for conducting this.



  • Ensure revise all the Manual Testing Concepts.
  • Ensure your base is strong on the testing you are being interviewed for.

Company Name: UST GLOBAL
Position: QA Automation
Company Location: Hyderabad
Experience: 4 Yrs
Shared By: Prakash
No Of Rounds: 2
Updated on: 03.10.2022

The interview was very nice; technically, I asked most of the questions.


Tips: Mostly focus on Core Java & Testing process

Company Location: Bangalore, India
Experience: 5+ years
Updated on: 18.06.2021
Message from Admin: Thanks, Aniket, for sharing below interview questions.

I got an interview call from UST Global (with 5+ years of experience in automation testing). Here is the list of questions that have been asked.

  • Get the example of Inheritance, Method overwriting, Method overloading, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, and abstraction from an automation testing perspective.
  • Write a code for finding the permutation of (n,r)
  • Write an automation script to log in to the Dell website and move to the homepage. The product verifies the nth row, nth column, and product price from the table.
  • What is Method overloading, and what is method overwriting? Give an example from a testing perspective.
  • Difference between Interface and abstract class, give an example where you have used it in testing.
  • Tell me about yourself, your last project, roles, and responsibility.
  • Have you written reusable methods? give example
  • Customs report, taking screenshots, how have you implemented it in your project?

Company Name: UST Global
Company Location: Bangalore, India
Updated on: 09.03.2020

Ust global for Adobe client Trivandrum (spec flow selenium c#), Bangalore

  • How do you keep your test data file in the BDD project,
  • How to handle serialization and deserialization in API testing,
  • Why do you not use an extent report in your specflow project,
  • How do you create a custom report in specflow,
  • What is the dependency injection concept,
  • What is the base class for the context in spec flow,
  • Can we use a scenario without “then”,
  • What is the team velocity,
  • How do you handle different locators for different browsers for the same element,
  • Describe your framework,
  • How do you design a hybrid framework,
  • How do you handle parallel testing and cross-browser testing?

Company Name: UST Global
Company Location:
Bangalore, India
Interview Mode: Telephonic
Updated on: 24.02.2021

  • I was given a scenario of a website that helped clients order food online and was asked to explain my approach to implementing the page object model in my codes.
  • Explain # kinds or wait and give examples of how I can use them (implicit, explicit, fluent, thread.sleep())
  • How and when to use javascript executer
  • Database testing: how I used the JDBC connector
  • The importance of the TestNG XML file and the attributes of the <suite> tag
  • Why do we put testNG classes in src/test/main and not src/java/main
  • The challenges I’ve faced so far while doing automation
  • Name two agile evangelists.
  • What the challenges I faced working in an agile group
  • The most favourite bug I’ve found so far
  • Explain the OOP concept
  • Manual testing: I was given a scenario of the restaurant application and was asked to write only the five most
  • important scenarios that would cover both
  • Troubleshooting questions

  • What is the main difference between XPath and CSS selectors?
  • Suppose there are four frames in the application. How will you get the 4rth frame ID?
  • Suppose there is an a-ok button. How many ways can you click?
  • What is the difference between the try-catch block and throws clause?
  • If there is an abstract class A with methods M1, M2, M3, and M1 and M2 are abstract methods, M3 is not abstract. Class B extends A. We will implement M1 and M2 next year. How will you use M3 in a base class?
  • Suppose there is a class A that extends Class B. If we create a reference of A and an object of B, we can call only the method from Class A if the same methods are present in Class A and Class B. For the same scenario, we can call the common methods present in both the classes and methods present in A. Why?
  • A a1 = new B(); and B b1 = new B(); How will the method call happen at run time and compile time in both cases?
  • What is spin and re-spin in agile, and which phase will the demo show to the customer?

  • Explain your framework. What was your contribution to designing it?
  • What are the locators and types of locators?
  • WAP to print the last five characters of a dynamic string. eg, “abcdefghijk12345,” we need to print only 12345 without using a substring.

  • How to handle multiple popups using selenium
  • How to handle Windows popups.
  • How to select multiple options from a drop-down
  • Different types of XPath
  • Types of locators
  • In a table, some of the cells have the same values. How do you get the count?
  • How do you increase performance from your code?
  • Disadvantages of the cucumber framework

About UST Global Company

UST Global is a leading provider of end-to-end IT services and solutions for Global 1000 companies. We use a client-centric Global Engagement Model that combines local, senior, and on-site resources with the cost, scale, and quality advantages of off-shore operations.

This client-centric focus forms the basis for how we operate and serve our clients as a company. Our commitment to long-term client success empowers associates to provide value and flexibility beyond the contract.

The industry-leading expertise within our Centers of Excellence (CoEs) plays a key role in our success with clients. The CoEs deliver pragmatic IT solutions, allowing clients to achieve their most critical business objectives consistently. Our Partner Program complements the CoEs. The program aims to develop strategic relationships with best-of-breed organizations to provide UST Global developers with advanced access to new technology and educational resources.

We adopt Six Sigma practices to develop our client-facing processes. Our centres in India are ISO 27001 certified, and we were assessed PCMM level 5 in 2004. These certifications and practices provide a qualified foundation for all UST Global service offerings and enable our clients to benefit internally.

UST Global, a leading digital transformation solutions company, conducted an awareness session on Cybersecurity at Infopark, Kochi, today. Shri Sanjay Kumar Gaudin, IPS, KAP Kannur, was the guest speaker. The session’s audience included Infopark companies and nearby school representatives.

Some of the points covered by Shri Sanjay Kumar Gurudin include key risks associated with the Internet and Social networking sites; why and how children fall into the dangers of the cyber world; key warning signs/symptoms by children who face online threats; ways to overcome these threats; and some useful tips to parents on protecting children when they go online.

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I love open-source technologies and am very passionate about software development. I like to share my knowledge with others, especially on technology that's why I have given all the examples as simple as possible to understand for beginners. All the code posted on my blog is developed, compiled, and tested in my development environment. If you find any mistakes or bugs, Please drop an email to, or You can join me on Linkedin.

4 thoughts on “UST Global Interview Questions”

  1. Got interview call from UST global (for 5+ years exp in automation testing), here are the list of questions been asked.
    1. get the example of Inheritance, Method overwriting , Method overloading, Encapsulation,
    Polymorphism, Abstraction example from automation testing perspective.
    2. write a code for finding permutation of (n,r)
    3. write a automation script for login into the dell website, moving to homepage, from table
    product verify nth row , nth column , product price.
    4.What is Method overloading and what is method overwriting? give example form testing perspective
    5. Difference between Interface and abstract class, give example where you have used it in
    6.Tell me about yourself , last project, roles and responsibility?
    7. Have you written reusable methods? give example
    8.Customs report, taking screenshot how have you implement it in your project?


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