Walmart Labs Interview Questions

Walmart Overview

  • Bentonville, AR (US)
  • 10000+ employees
  • 1962
  • Public (WMT)
  • Department, Clothing, & Shoe Shops
  • ₹500+ billion (INR)/YR
  • Amazon

Walmart Interview Questions: The most important part of preparing for an interview is practice. Knowing what job interview questions you might be asked is essential – that way, you can craft your answers well in advance and feel confident in your responses when the pressure is on.

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew exactly what interview questions are asked for the Test Engineer and QA for Manual & Automation Positions? Unfortunately, we can’t read minds, but we’ll give you the next best thing: a list of previously asked Walmart interview questions and answers.

Post On:Walmart Labs Interview Questions
Post Type:Interview Questions
Applicable For:Freshers & Experience
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We have tried to share some of the manual testing interview questions, selenium interview questions & testing interview questions also, but we are recommending spending some quality time to get comfortable with what might be asked when you go for the Walmart interview.

Still, we need your love and support to make this platform more helpful to our fellow testers. So please share your recent interview questions and experience with us. You Can share those details by connecting with us at

Walmart Labs Hyderabad India Interview Questions

Location: Hyderabad, India
Exp: 5+ Years
Update Date: 20.10.2021

  • What is path param and what is query param?
  • Explain the linked list and write a program to sort the array.
  • Different selenium exceptions
  • Given sum and value n find the n number of digits to form the sum. eg. sum = 6, n = 2 => [1,5],[2,4],[3,3] and if n = 3 we have to print 3 values which makes the sum i.e [1,2,3]
  • Diagonal SUM
  • JSONPath
  • Explain the framework you developed
  • How API testing works?
  • Find the nth node from the end of a linked list in one pass.
  • Given an array, add the elements to the empty binary search tree.
  • Hash Tables, write a program to find a count of 2 elements in an array to have sum X.
  • What is hashcode, equals method in Java?
  • Prepare basic Java questions, Selenium basics, and API testin

Location: Hyderabad, India
Exp: 5+ Years
Update Date: 20.10.2021

Thanks to Arun Naik for Sharing these questions.

Interview Questions – 1st Round Technical:

  • Find the sum of both diagonals from a 2D n*n matrix.
  • Reverse string using recursion.
  • Find character count using inbuilt string methods. You can use a maximum of two methods. (Solution: string.length() & replaceAll(given char).
  • Implement ArrayList using Array, Coverall exceptions, and boundary cases.
  • Singly LinkedList reverse.
  • Find the Nth node from the end of a LinkedList.
  • Selenium Web Table questions using ArrayList.
  • Selenium drop-down duplicate finds and removes using HashMap.
  • Explain the Design pattern of the Actions class.
  • Why Page Object Model?
  • Explain the current framework and questions around it.
  • Write a program for Java JDBC connection (Sudo code).
  • Explain TestNG annotations.
  • Explain Java Oops concepts.
  • Java output codes for Polymorphism, static keywords, and Inheritance.
  • Use of Custom Exceptions, Explain.
  • Explain Rest API architecture.
  • All API status codes’ meanings and conditions are based on test data.
  • Explain the API framework & questions around it.
  • JSON Handling; using parsers & POJO.

2nd Round Technical:

Organization: Walmart Labs
Location: Bangalore, India
Interview Mode: Zoom Call
Interview Date: 28th June 2021
Update Date: 02.07.2021

Thanks, Raghav Seth, For sharing the interview experience with us.

Interview Round 1:

  • Implement an algorithm to print all valid (e.g., properly opened and closed) combinations of n-pairs of parentheses.
  • From 1-100, One number is missing; find that number without any loop.
  • Print all duplicate characters in the given string.
  • When will you get a bug, and what will you do?
  • Suppose you want to run the same Test cases in different environments. How will you do that?
  • Print all titles of the web pages.
  • How is workflow and approach of working towards your frameworks, CI/CD/reporting
  • Report the duplicates of an array of integers array [7,5,3,2,3,1] report 3
  • Write the SQL queries (from the student table )
  • Recursion of String
  • Exception
  • Error
  • Types of Error
  • Types of Exception
  • Count the char sequence in a String
  • Automate an application by using an XPath for date and field ( Tour and travel application)
  • Selenium version
  • Write test case BDD cucumber for login application
  • Test NG framework
  • Abstract Class
  • Interface
  • Support multiple inheritances
  • Abstract and interface difference
  • How can we inherit the class?
  • Git command
  • What is the use of Maven?
  • call API (
"userId": 1,
"id" 1,
"title": "delectus aut autem",
"completed": false

Company Name: Walmart
Company Location: Bentonville, AR, USA

  • Difference between Abstraction and interface
  • What is encapsulation
  • Explain synchronization in selenium
  • Difference between throw and throws.
  • What are the exceptions you have faced(how can you resolve no such element exception)
  • Method to get the page title
  • GIT experience and Jira, Jenkins
  • How to handle multiple windows on a browser
  • Explain about Page object model and its advantages
  • The difference between submit and click in Selenium
  • What are the selenium libraries that you have used, and explain one
  • Explain the code for launching the browser
  • Explain about TestNG annotations.
  • The difference between after suite and before the suite
  • Explain your current project Framework.
  • Explain Implicitly wait() & explicitly wait()
  • Where will you store all your test cases?
  • If you run 200 test cases, where 100 test cases are failed, where you will modify the failed test case, will you add the failed test case to the existing test case? Do you run the entire 200 test cases or only 100 failed ones?
  • How do you generate the test report?
  • What is the difference between CSS and XPath?
  • How to access the browser?
  • Why WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver ()? Why not FirefoxDriver driver= new FirefoxDriver?
  • What is POM?
  • What is the difference between POM and page factory?
  • Explain Error, bug, and defect
  • How many test cases have you written in your current project?

Source: Whatsapp group

Today, we got these questions through email from a fellow tester who got an opportunity to face a client round interview for Walmart for a 2-year Java Selenium Automation Tester Position, and he shared those questions with us. If you want to share your interview experience or interview questions, then you can contact us by using this form.

  • About yourself
  • Explain the Framework you are using.
  • How do you execute your scripts daily?
  • How do you handle alert pop-ups?
  • Any tool used to configure automation framework execution?
  • What is Maven?
  • What is the Selenium Grid?
  • Scenario: When I click on the link, it opens three child browsers. I want to check whether the logo is present in the second child browser. How do you write a script for it?
  • Write a script to check whether an alert pop is displayed or not
  • Did you face any challenges while running your scripts on the IE browser?
  • What is TestNG?
  • What is the TestNG suite?
  • How do you create a TestNG suite?
  • How do you run your script without configuring it in Jenkins?
  • In which class you define @BeforeMethod,@AfterMethod
  • How do you handle window pop-ups?

Java Interview Questions

SQL Interview Questions

  • Inner Join, outer join, full join
  • What is the purpose of using joins?
  • DML, DDL- definition with example
  • Questions on TOAD

Manual Testing Interview Questions

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